Bolivian President: The armed forces attempted a military coup – troops gathered in the capital’s central square | News in brief

Bolivian President The armed forces attempted a military coup

The president of Bolivia says that he has appointed a new leadership to the armed forces, who initially ordered the troops to retreat. The rebellious general has planned reforms for the country.

26.6. 23:40•Updated 0:42

In Bolivia, the president Luis Arce says that the country’s armed forces attempted a military coup. He made the comments in a televised address after heavily armed soldiers and armored vehicles gathered at Plaza Murillo, the capital’s central square, La Paz.

In addition, an armored vehicle had broken through the door of the presidential palace.

Arce had earlier condemned the unauthorized gathering of army troops in the capital and demanded that the troops withdraw.

Arce also said that a new military leadership has been appointed to the country’s armed forces to replace the leadership that attempted a military coup. He also asked for international support for Bolivia.

The new military leadership has ordered troops to return to their bases.

– The three chiefs of the armed forces have come to express their dismay. A new government will be elected and things will certainly change, but our country can no longer continue like this, General Juan Jose Zuniga told a local television channel.

– Stop destroying and tying down our country and humiliating the army, Zuniga said before the tank entered the presidential palace.

Former president of the country Evo Morales has accused General Zuniga of plotting the coup.

Morales has announced the mobilization of his supporters to preserve democracy and announced a general work stoppage in the country, which includes, among other things, setting up roadblocks.

The leaders of several South American countries have expressed their concern about the situation in Bolivia. The United States also says it is following the situation closely and urged the country to exercise restraint and calm down.

Sources: Reuters, AP, AFP
