Boko Haram behind several deadly attacks

The perpetrators followed a common tactic for them to attack a military base and nearby community at dawn. The attack was carried out in Wulari, near the town of Konduga in Borno state, according to local media.

The group is believed to be part of the terrorist movement Boko Haram, which for many years has paralyzed parts of the region.

“The Boko Haram terrorists took advantage of the cover of darkness and hid in ripe corn fields to carry out the attack,” said Ibrahim Liman, who belongs to a paramilitary group fighting Boko Haram.

In the attack on the base, the three soldiers were killed. In a separate incident, but with probable links, ten villagers who were harvesting were rounded up by Boko Haram members. The captured were then shot.

Four more people have been reported missing in the attack outside Borno’s central town of Maiduguru.

Boko Haram has previously been weakened by internal problems and increased military efforts. But recently, the terrorist movement has intensified its attacks.

Around 40,000 people have been killed by the terrorist movement since Boko Haram’s attacks began 14 years ago. The neighboring countries Niger, Chad and Cameroon are also affected by the terrorist group’s atrocities.
