Boeing’s Starliner shuttle cannot return to Earth! Postponed for the fourth time

Boeings Starliner shuttle cannot return to Earth Postponed for the

Boeing sent the Starliner shuttle, carrying two astronauts of the American Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), into space for the first time on June 5, after being postponed twice due to last-minute problems.

The shuttle’s return to Earth was postponed for the fourth time following problems, and NASA officials stated that they would evaluate the shuttle’s return date after two spacewalks planned to be held at the station on June 24 and July 2.

In the photo taken June 13, the Starliner spacecraft appears docked with the forward port of the Harmony module as the International Space Station orbits 262 miles above Egypt’s Mediterranean coast.

(AA)This content was published by Cansu Akalp

