“Bodygoal” capsules: they would contain a dangerous molecule banned in France

Bodygoal capsules they would contain a dangerous molecule banned in

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    Medical validation:
    October 23, 2022

    The dietary supplement “Bodygoal” sold by the Body Sherry brand would indeed contain sibutramine, a component with many adverse effects.

    The special “weight loss” product from the Body Sherry brand, very popular on social networks, has already claimed several victims in France. It would contain an appetite suppressant molecule banned in France since 2010.

    An appetite suppressant supplement sold on the internet

    The product in question, which would “burn fat” and “detoxify the body”, would naturally reduce, according to the brand, “cravings for snacking”.

    The problem ? The capsules are composed of Bitter orange (10mg), Nopal (100mg), Guarana (140mg), Garcinia (140mg) and C17H26CIN (10mg).

    It is this last component – sibutramine – which alerted the National Medicines Safety Agency.

    An analysis of the capsules by the Lariboisière toxicology laboratory showed that they contained sibutramine“, a substance banned in France.

    All medicines containing it have indeed been removed from the shelves since 2010. And for good reason:

    Reported side effects were abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, panic attacks, dizziness and hallucinations“, indicates the ANSM in a press release.

    Palpitations, sleep disturbances, headache, taste disturbance and abnormally rapid heartbeat (tachycardia,) have also been reported.

    Frequent adverse effects on the cardiovascular system

    The SCOUT (Cardiovascular Outcome Trial of Sibutramine) study, carried out by the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), even “showed an increased risk of serious cardiovascular events (such as heart attack or stroke cerebrovascular disease) in patients with known cardiovascular disease. »

    Faced with these serious side effects, the ANSM recommends that consumers be particularly vigilant:

    If you purchased (Bodygoal), we ask that you do not use it“, warns the agency.

    It also specifies that it is “strongly discouraged to buy medicines outside pharmacies or their websites authorized for the online sale of medicines”.

    Indeed, food supplements do not “require marketing authorization”, underlines ANSES.
