Body found in the water in Stockholm

Body found in the water in Stockholm

Updated 19.55 | Published 19.31




full screen A helicopter and several boats participate in the operation. Photo: Aftonbladet

A body has been found in the water in central Stockholm.

The police are currently on the scene with a boat and helicopter.

An operation is currently underway at Norr Mälarstrand on Kungsholmen in Stockholm.

– A body has been found in the water there. We are currently on site to check the circumstances surrounding this, says Nadya Norton, press spokesperson at the police in the Stockholm region.

Several boats and a helicopter participate in the operation.

The body has not yet been identified. There is currently no written notification either.

– It’s a very recent case, so we’ll see how it ends, says Nadya Norton.

The alarm was received by the police at 19.12.
