Bob Newhart is dead – was 94


  • Bob Newhart is dead – was 94

    Actor Bob Newhart is dead.

    He was 94, reports Variety.

    The American actor is known, among other things, for his own series in The Bob Newhart Show – which aired on television for almost two decades.

    Newhart has also been awarded an Emmy for his performance as a guest actor in “The Big Bang Theory” and praised for his role as the father in the comedy film “Elf”.


  • Cars in collision – five people to hospital

    Two cars have collided on the E45 outside Karlstad.

    The alarm came in shortly before 8 p.m.

    – Both an ambulance and an ambulance helicopter have been called to the scene, says Claudia Giare at SOS Alarm.

    Five people have been taken to hospital, according to NWT.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

  • French police injured – knifeman killed

    French Le Parisien reports that a man armed with a knife has been shot dead after attacking a police officer in Paris.

  • UAE wants to send soldiers to Gaza after the war

    The United Arab Emirates has signaled its willingness to send troops in a “multinational stabilization mission” to Gaza. It must happen after the war is over.

    It reports Financial Times.

    Ideally, they want the US to have a leading role in the mission and support the recognition of a Palestinian state.

    The Gulf state thus becomes the first country to say something similar.

  • Elbowed police in the face – man arrested

    A man has been arrested on suspicion of violence against an official in Kungsladugård in Gothenburg.

    Just before 6 p.m., the police were alerted to a disturbance in an apartment in the area.

    There were three people on site and a “commotion” broke out.

    “One of the people hits a police officer in the face with his elbow,” the police write on their website.

    The man is then arrested by the police. The people in the apartment then try to prevent the arrest.

    They are now suspected of violent resistance.

  • Traffic accident in Gävleborg – two to hospital

    Two people have been taken to hospital after a single accident in Gävleborg, reports P4 Gävleborg.

    A total of four people are said to have been in the car.

    According to the police, no one is seriously injured and no crime is suspected.

  • About 20 people in a fight – one person chased

    A 17-year-old boy has been taken to hospital after a big fight in Vasa in central Gothenburg. According to the police’s first information, he was chased by about 20 people and then stumbled on tram tracks.

    Then he was beaten.

    – The perpetrators have left, then it is unclear how many were involved in the assault itself, says police spokesperson Fredrik Svedemyr.

    The victim, who currently has unclear injuries, will now be interviewed by the police.

    – No one has been arrested or suspected at the moment, but we will also go through cameras and surveillance images.

  • Tiktok suspends 35 accounts that will benefit SD

    In June, Tiktok closed 35 accounts that were allegedly aimed at benefiting the Sweden Democrats.

    They write that in one reportwhich the journalist Emanuel Karlsten was the first to report on.

    According to Tiktok, the account must have been controlled by a network in Sweden and aimed at a Swedish audience.

    “The network created deceptive profiles, including accounts pretending to be from government agencies”.

    In addition, the accounts allegedly worked to “reinforce narratives that are favorable to the Sweden Democrats’ political party and agenda”.

  • Now the Springsteen fans arrive at the arena

    Photo: Anna Tärnhuvud

    With hours to go before the second night of Bruce Springsteen’s concerts at Strawberry arena, fans have started arriving.

    Pierre, far left, has so far seen 27 concerts with “the boss”.

  • Sources: Obama on Biden’s chances

    Former president Barack Obama has previously shown his support for Joe Biden as the Democratic candidate.

    But now he is beginning to doubt that Biden can win the election, according to sources for the Washington Post.

    The newspaper writes that Obama told allies that Biden’s chances in the presidential election have decreased significantly.

  • Founder of climate movement sentenced to prison

    The group Extinction rebellion often uses civil disobedience as a method of protest. Archive image. Photo: Matt Dunham/AP/TT

    Roger Hallam, who co-founded the climate movement Extinction rebellion whose activists often use civil disobedience as a method of protest, is sentenced to five years in prison by a British court.

    The prison sentence is believed to be the longest ever handed down for non-violent protests in Britain, writes The Telegraph.

    He is accused of blocking traffic on the M25 motorway for four days in November 2022 as part of the “Just stop oil” campaign, which criticizes the oil industry.

    Another four activists were sentenced to four-year sentences for the protests.

  • Details: Top Democrats call for Biden’s resignation

    Several top Democrats want Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race.

    This is according to sources for Axios. Several of them believe that the resignation can be announced as early as this weekend.

    – I hope he makes the right decision. He is heading in that direction, says a source.

  • Person hit in Kungsbacka

    Emergency services and an ambulance are on their way to Kungsbacka.

    – It is a person who has been hit by a golf cart, says an operator at SOS Alarm.

    The police are on the scene but no arrests have been made at this time.

    Shortly before 6 p.m., the police announce that the person has been taken to hospital with injuries.

    A report of causing bodily harm and illegal driving has been drawn up.

  • Drowning alarm in Norrtälje – ambulance helicopter on site

    Emergency services and medical care have moved to Norrtälje after a drowning alarm.

    – We are there with an ambulance helicopter, says an operator at SOS Alarm.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

  • Råtta continues to keep the Danish adventure pool closed

    The Reef swimming facility in Fredrikshamn is closed until July 29.

    “The work of catching the rat has turned out to be much more demanding than we could have imagined. The many nooks and crannies in the water park, combined with the fact that the building is large and complex, make the work much more complicated than normal,” writes hotel director Marianne Bredevang.

    They offer the possibility of cancellation, rebooking to another Strawberry hotel and possible compensation. Anyone who booked via Stena Line is asked to contact them.

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  • If I have to guess who Larry The Cat likes best if we remove political color 🙂

    1. Sunak = He’s rich as a troll, so if Larry got lobster, sirloin, that’s a good start 🙂 then Sunak kissed Larry 🙂 and Larry let him 🙂

    2. David Cameron = Larry cuddled on his lap 🙂


  • Article about free train cheats. Where do I find it?



    Hello Åsa! You’ll find an article here about Filippa who trains for free and another about how it’s done here.

  • Don’t want to be the language police, but you write about a bomb on a balcony in Borås that the people in the house are housed! It’s called evacuated, right?


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    B Andersson69

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