Blurred vision is a sign of diabetes! If left unchecked, it causes serious vision loss.

Blurred vision is a sign of diabetes If left unchecked

Eye Health and Diseases Specialist Op. states that the incidence of diabetic retinopathy increases especially in people who have had diabetes for more than 10 years. Dr. Adnan İpçioğlu said, “There is a risk of this eye disease for all patients with diabetes. It is beneficial for everyone with diabetes to have a comprehensive eye examination at least once a year. “The longer a person has had diabetes, the greater the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy,” he said.

Op. Dr. Adnan İpçioğlu warned that the patient should have an eye examination immediately after the diagnosis of diabetes and that they should continue routine eye examinations as part of their diabetes checks at 1-year intervals. Op. Dr. İpçioğlu said, “In particular, fundus examination enables the detection of changes in the retina at an early stage and provides the patient with the opportunity to receive successful treatment. After the diagnosis of diabetes, patients with diabetes are diagnosed with 1-year intervals, every 6 months for more than 5 years, and every 3 months for diabetics with fundus problems.” “There should be an eye examination. The frequency of examination is determined by the ophthalmologist as necessary.” he said.

Stating that the only proven method to treat diabetic retinopathy is ‘laser photocoagulation’, Op. Dr. Adnan İpçioğlu gave the following information;

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“The main purpose of the treatment is to suppress the signals originating from the retinal tissue in the periphery, which is not adequately nourished, thus preventing the formation of new bleeding vessels and hemorrhages and to preserve the patient’s vision level. This treatment is the only way to prevent serious vision loss due to diabetes if applied at the appropriate time and properly. Early signs of retinopathy Detection in the early stages is the key to the success of treatment. Blurred vision is a common complaint in the early stages of diabetes, and the reason for this is not retinopathy, but the blood glucose level at that time. “It may take a few weeks for the blood glucose level to return to normal. Once control is achieved, vision blurring will disappear. Changing glasses is not a suitable method during this temporary blurring period.”

This content was published by Nilgün Akbıyık.
