Blue waffle disease: what is it, does it really exist?

Blue waffle disease what is it does it really exist

Blue waffle disease is believed to be a sexually transmitted infection that turns female organs blue… Its discovery caused panic.

What is Blue Waffle Disease?

Blue waffle disease is a sexual affection completely invented in the early 2010s and whose causes and symptoms have been widely broadcast on the Internet. It was said that this STD caused blue coloring of the vagina and lips. As for the term “waffle”, it is a slang word for “vagina”.

Does it really exist?

No, this STD is made up, a legend created from scratch in 2010.

What is its origin ?

It all started from one “hoax” on the Web : the release of the MRI of a vagina and labia, tinted blue, was supposed to reveal the discovery of a new sexually transmitted disease. However, due to the power of social networks, this “joke” has grown to the point of create a certain panic, make headlines and even push a New Jersey city councilor to alert women about this new threat to their health. In reality, it seems that the people behind this false information wanted to scare sexually active women.

What symptoms does it cause?

It was said that this disease led, in addition to blue coloring of female genitalia, symptoms like vaginal sores, pain, burning, itching as well as a foul odor, that is to say a summary of the symptoms of vulvovaginitis and candidiasis. “These two diseases, common in women, are however not linked to an STD.“, specifies Dr. Odile Bagot.

As it does not exist, there is no need to protect yourself from it. However, if this one is completely invented, there are many other STDs and STIs, real this time. “Among the most common is chlamydia, an STD caused by bacteria which may be characterized by losses or give no signs initially but lead to salpingitis (tubal infection) whose risk is sterility, specifies Dr. Bagot, gonorrhea, a bacterial disease responsible for symptoms such as burns, pain and purulent discharge or even genital herpes. The only way to protect yourself from this is to use a condom during each sexual intercourse.
