Blue Origin conducted a successful manned mission

Blue Origin conducted a successful manned mission

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ private space company remains in the background blue origin, A new manned mission today output.

blueorigin last NS-24 It came to the fore because it managed to carry out the task named after him without any problems. Within the scope of this unmanned mission, reusable vehicles such as SpaceX Falcon 9 New Shepard Using the rocket (it was the 24th launch in total), 33 different science and research loads, as well as some cargo, were carried to the sky. Due to some technical problems Since September 2022 “manned” unable to serve and undergoing a major FAA investigation in the process. blueoriginnewly organized today NS-25 specific to its mission, low earth orbit carried six new civilians And give them the experience of a zero-gravity environment, even if only for a short time. kept alive. These people are specifically 90 year olds. Ed Dwight with Mason Angel, Sylvain Chiron, Kenneth L. Hess, Carol Schaller And Gopi Thotakura It was announced as. The company, which is currently not even close to SpaceX in any field, wants to change this in the future and For this, a much more powerful and larger rocket called New Glenn was used. at the same time blue moon It is also actively working on a lunar vehicle called.


In recent months, specifically New Glenn, which you can see above, was on the agenda because the rocket was positioned for testing on the launch pad in Cape Canaveral. New Glenn’s first takeoff was postponed from 2020 to 2021 and then to 2022, but now it is reported that the first full takeoff test is planned for later this year. According to reports, New Glenn is capable of carrying approximately 100 thousand pounds (45 metric tons) of payload into low earth orbit. It is explained that this is above the Vulcan rocket signed by United Launch Alliance and the Falcon 9 rocket signed by SpaceX, but it is also under the Falcon Heavy signed by SpaceX.

Meanwhile SpaceX Starlink While successful takeoffs continue for Bezos Amazon also has its own internet from space project Project Kuiper works for. SpaceX starlink you know the project Brings internet from space to almost the whole world. A similar service, which currently has many users, has been in development for a long time. “Project Kuiper” shopping giant under the name Amazon It also works. It was one of the major steps taken that brought this project to the agenda. Company KuiperSat-1 And KuiperSat-2 The first test satellites named ULA (United Launch Alliance) He took it to low earth orbit with his Atlas V rocket.

With these satellites, the company will perform numerous orbital and connection tests, if things go as desired. Like SpaceX, new satellites will be constantly sent to low earth orbit with different launches. According to a recent statement, SpaceX will also support the project But of course this won’t be free. Project Kuiper To expand its network, Amazon went wild and its rival Bought three different Falcon 9 launches from SpaceX. It is reported that these three launches will only occur in the middle of 2025, and Amazon may purchase other launches from SpaceX in the future. Waiting.
