MARS BLEU 2022. Mars Bleu is the month dedicated to colorectal cancer screening, which affects nearly 45,000 men and women each year in France. Detected early, it could be cured in 90% of cases. Date, actions, animations, challenge and connected Mars Bleu challenge… All about the 2022 edition.
[Mis à jour le 17 février 2022 à 14h30] Blue Mars 2022 is the colorectal cancer screening month, 3rd most common cancer and the 2nd deadliest cancer in France, according to figures from the National Cancer Institute. Each year, nearly 45,000 men and women are concerned and nearly 18,000 people die from it. Those over 50 are the most affected. During their lifetime, 1 in 30 people will face it. Yet, if detected at an early stage, colorectal cancer could be cured in 90% of cases. Hence the importance of screening. Since 2009 in France, the colorectal cancer screening campaign has been aimed at women and men aged 50 to 74. Every two years, the people concerned receive a letter to present to their doctor who will give them the screening test, which is free, easy to use and quick. However, participation in this screening remains insufficient: only 32% of French people are screened every two years, regrets the League against Cancer. The ambition is to reach and even exceed 45% participation in the target population, which is the minimum European objective recommended by the European Commission. “Despite the launch of Mars Bleu 15 years ago to inform and raise awareness of the importance of colorectal cancer screening, participation remains insufficient. This can be explained by the many taboos that persist around these cancers, the lack of information and support… To these factors, around which we have been working tirelessly for years, Added to this is the Covid-19 pandemic which has led to a drop in participation in all screenings. Due to delays, many cancers are diagnosed at more advanced stages“, explains Daniel Nizri, volunteer President of the League against cancer.
What is Blue Mars?
Organized by the Ministry of Health, the National Cancer Institute and Health Insurance, Mars Bleu is an annual meeting which takes place throughout the month of March. This is a colorectal cancer screening awareness month. Screening consists of an immunological test which does not prevent cancers, but which makes it possible to establish a early diagnosis, making it possible to quickly set up care and improve the chances of recovery. This year, in the context of a health crisis, raising awareness of cancer screening is particularly important in order toavoid diagnostic delays and the complexifications of care pathways. The League Against Cancer recalls that in 2020, nearly 93,000 cancer diagnoses could not be established due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2022, two new features will facilitate access to colorectal cancer screening:
- The possibility of requesting the sending of the test by mail : no more need to go through a consultation with the doctor. Eligible persons who have received the invitation to the screening must go to the website www.monkit.depistage with the number appearing on the invitation letter. A questionnaire determines whether the test is appropriate based on the person’s personal and family history. If so, the test will be sent to him.
- Viewing the test result onlinevia another website:

What is the meaning of the blue ribbon?
Many diseases are symbolized by small colored ribbons. For example, the pink ribbon represents breast cancer. The red ribbon is the symbol of the fight against AIDS and HIV. The yellow ribbon is worn to support endometriosis and bone cancer. The blue ribbon on the other hand represents cancers colorectal and prostate cancer.
Colon cancer in numbers
What are the dates of Blue Mars in 2022?
This year, Mars Bleu takes place from Tuesday March 1 to Thursday March 31, 2022.
What is the Blue Mars 2022 logo and poster?
What are the actions and animations of Mars Bleu in 2022?
In the midst of the Covid-19 epidemic, it is difficult to organize face-to-face events. The 2022 edition of Mars Bleu is therefore (like last year’s edition) mainly Virtual.
- The Virtual Colon Tour: The League Against Cancer organized a virtual exhibition around the colon. It sets up a platform accessible from a computer, smartphone or tablet, offers a visual approach to the interior of this organ and explains the importance of early detection in combating the disease.
- The Colon Tour face-to-face: it brings together more than 60 departmental committees of the League and 90 cities mobilized for the prevention and awareness around colorectal cancer. The goal: travel inside a giant inflatable colon and understand how the different lesions evolve. Through this journey and the educational information provided, visitors will understand the value of colorectal cancer screening and colonoscopy.
- An overview of colorectal cancer screening by the CRCDC (Regional Cancer Screening Coordination Center) on Friday March 4, 2022.
- On social networks, the campaign #ButtTalk and #MoveYourButt allows people to talk about colorectal cancer and encourages everyone aged 50 to 74 to get screened quickly.
- Many prevention and information actions will be in place during the month of March, on the initiative of the CRCDC SUD PACA: information stands, awareness, live forum and invitation reminders. Always as far as possible, given the health situation.
What is the Mars Bleu connected challenge?
The Cancer Screening Center (CRCDC Sud Paca) offers a connected challenge throughout the month of March : achieve the most kilometers in favor of colorectal cancer screening whether on foot, running or cycling. Free registration on this site. The course is free in compliance with the “Eco-Responsible Charter of the connected runner” with its connected object (connected watch, mobile application). Donations will be entirely donated to the CRCDC SUD PACA to improve the promotion of organized cancer screenings. It is also the return of the face-to-face MARSeille BLEU racewhose 5th edition will take place on Sunday, March 20, 2022 in the Borely park in Marseille: this is a multisport morning, friendly and family, organized with the SMUC, which offers initiations to yoga, tai-chi, zoumba, before the walkers leave, then runners (children then adults). A lot of information will be given to the village of associations, in particular on nutrition, physical activity, and of course the screening test.
Which associations support Mars Bleu?
Many associations, institutes and foundations commit each year against colorectal cancer and propose initiatives as part of the “Mars Bleu” awareness campaign. Here is a non-exhaustive list of organizations supporting the event:
- The League Against Cancer
- The National Cancer Institute (InCA)
- The ARC Foundation for Cancer Research
- The Gustave Roussy Institute
- The Health Provident Association
- AMGEN and Rose Up
- Afa Crohn RCH France
- Act against Cancer 26
- Federation of Private Hospitalization Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics…
Sources: Blue Mars, French public health sheetMay 20, 2019 / Screening for colorectal cancer: Mars Bleu, Regional Health Agency