Blood sugar: what is the norm in mmol?

Blood sugar what is the norm in mmol

Measuring blood sugar helps ensure that you do not have insulin resistance or diabetes. This rate is generally expressed in g/L or mmol/L. Here is the conversion and normal values.

Blood sugar corresponds to blood glucose level. When measured, it can be expressed either in g/L or in mmol/L. The values ​​are then different, hence the importance of knowing how to do the conversion. “Glucose is the most important sugar in our body, immediately tells us Gilles Mithieux, CNRS research director and researcher at the Inserm “Nutrition, Diabetes and Brain” laboratory. Glucose is necessary for all cellular metabolism. This is the molecule that ensures the life of cells, and not only at the energetic level. Glucose is used to operate the entire cellular metabolism: everything is based on the transformation of glucose, because it can give all the other important molecules, such as DNA or proteins.

What is normal morning fasting blood sugar (in mmol)?

The normal blood sugar level is on average 5.5 mmol/L. As 1 g/L corresponds to 5.5 mmol/Lwe can say that “the normal value is between 0.7 and 0.8 g/L, and up to 1 g/L“, specifies Gilles Mithieux.

What is the normal blood sugar level after a meal (in mmol)?

When we eat, blood sugar naturally increases and its level varies greatly depending on the composition of our meal. “The values ​​are different depending on the amount of sugar ingested. If you eat salad and green vegetables, blood sugar levels almost do not rise, because these foods are low in starch. On the other hand, if you eat a sandwich with ketchup sauce, blood sugar levels increase. On average, blood sugar can rise up to 2 g/L or up to 11 mmol/L during digestion. In fact, sugar represents 50% of our modern diet. We find it in the form of starches (slow sugars) or sucrose (fast sugars, sweet-tasting foods). Within a few hours, blood sugar returns to normal, between 0.9 to 1 g/L“, explains the researcher. However, remember that these average values ​​concern people who do not have insulin resistance.

What level in mmol in case of hyperglycemia?

Blood sugar starts to be abnormally high above 1.1 g/L, or 6.05 mmol/L, in the morning on an empty stomach. If blood sugar is above these values, the person is probably insulin resistant.“, replies our interlocutor. The diagnosis of diabetes is made if in the morning on an empty stomach, the blood sugar level is 1.26 g/L, or nearly 7 mmol/L.

What level in mmol in case of hypoglycemia?

We speak of hypoglycemia when the glucose level is below 0.75 g/L or 4 mmol/L. This rate is the normal lower limit. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and cold sweats. “These symptoms occur when blood sugar is below 0.5 g/L (2.75 mmol/L). If hypoglycemia lasts too long, the consequences can be lethal. warns the specialist. In case of hypoglycemic discomfortYou should immediately give a cube of sugar or a sweetened drink such as fruit juice to the person who is experiencing hypoglycemic discomfort. Thus, his blood sugar will rise very quickly.”

Controlling your blood sugar levels involves a healthy diet and practicing regular physical activity. “Favor the healthiest lifestyle possible, with the best possible diet, combined with sufficient physical activity. Avoid processed food“, recommends the expert. To maintain normal blood sugar levels, it is advisable to eat fresh fruits and green vegetables every day and limit processed foods, in addition to doing appropriate sport. “This lifestyle is also recommended by the doctor for patients in whom the onset of diabetes has been detected (between 1.20 and 1.25 g/L). The doctor will advise improving diet and being less sedentary before considering prescribing medication” continues the researcher. Furthermore, controlling your blood sugar levels involves blood tests (blood sugar, triglycerides) regular as well as taking blood pressure by the doctor. If a family member already has diabetes, you are more likely to have diabetes and these checks are even more important.
