Blood pressure: here is the perfect lunch to lower it (can be done in 5 minutes)

Blood pressure here is the perfect lunch to lower it

A heart-healthy meal that “minimizes time spent in the kitchen.”

A balanced diet at all meals that meets nutritional needs is essential for health. But in our busy daily lives, it is sometimes difficult to know what to prepare for lunch or to find new ideas that delight the taste buds while doing good for our body. To help us out, an expert shared what he considers a perfect lunch. Big advantage: it can be prepared in just a few minutes.

“I want to minimize my time spent in the kitchen and maximize my time enjoying my food” begins Professor Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology and microbiome expert at King’s College London, in a video posted on his account Instagram. Its ideal lunch therefore contains fiber, vitamins and polyphenols. The latter, which are mainly found in plants, are recognized for their antioxidant properties, beneficial for the intestinal microbiota, blood pressure and osteoporosis. “Polyphenols provide significant protection against the development and progression of many chronic pathologies, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and aging” indicated a study of theOxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity published in 2009.

“To make a bowl filled with fiber and lots of plants in less than five minutes, simply add spinach, a mixture of lentils (already cooked), red cabbage and red onions full of polyphenols, a carrot, pistachios, flaked almonds and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil for flavor but also to increase the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. explains the doctor. Finally, in this bowl we find the key foods of the DASH diet, the famous diet developed by American cardiologists to lower blood pressure, namely vegetables (especially leafy vegetables), legumes, oilseeds, cereals and vegetable fats. Above all, we don’t add salt, it’s even better for the tension. Finally, Professor Spector indicates that it is possible to add fermented foods to this bowl for those who have difficulty digesting. For example kefir or kimchi.
