Blood pressure: here is the best essential oil to lower it

Blood pressure here is the best essential oil to lower

High blood pressure increases the risk of myocardial infarction three-fold and the risk of stroke seven-fold.

Blood pressure measures the pressure of the blood on the walls of the arteries. “A normal tension is between 12/7 and 13/8″ recalls Professor Claire Mounier-Vehier, cardiologist, Head of the Vascular Medicine and Hypertension Department at Lille University Hospital, and President of the “Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes” Association. “We speak of high blood pressure (hypertension) when these figures exceed 14/9 at the doctor’s office and 13.5/8.5 when self-measured at home.” Without treatment, this disease increases the risk of myocardial infarction by three and that of stroke by seven (Stroke). At the level of eyesit can cause retinal damage which can, ultimately, lead to blindness and at the level of the kidneys, it disrupts their filtration mechanism, which can lead to insufficiency renal. In addition to reviewing your lifestyle and implementing appropriate medical treatments, aromatherapy can be useful.

Relaxing and antihypertensive

By reducing stress, ylang-ylang essential oil complements (Cananga odorata) can help reduce blood pressure “particularly in cases of moderate hypertension” underlines Sylvie Hampikian, pharmacologist expert in aromatherapy. Rich in monoterpene esters with antispasmodic properties, it is traditionally used to calm spasmodic pain linked to stresslike stomach aches. “She owes her benefits (on tension, editor’s note) with the sesquiterpenes it contains, active ingredients with relaxing and antihypertensive properties. So, it unties the diaphragm, releases the cardio-respiratory plexus, regulates and calms the heart rate” explains the pharmacologist. To use it, nothing could be simpler, just apply a drop on each of your wrists And to breathe deeply her perfume. You can also mix a drop of this essential oil in 4 drops of vegetable oil of your choice and apply your preparation in massage at the level of the solar plexus.

Contraindications to know

It is contraindicated in people with hypotensionas well as among pregnant and lactating womenTHE children under 12 years old as well as people with epilepsy. Before using it, it is recommended to do a skin test by placing a drop in the crook of your elbow: if no reaction appears after 48 hours, you can use essential oil without fear. Essential oils complement the allopathic treatment prescribed by the doctor. Finally “any chronic and/or severe hypertension must be the subject of regular medical follow-up and drug treatment is often necessary” recalls Sylvie Hampikian.

Thanks to Sylvie Hampikian, pharmacologist expert in aromatherapy and Professor Claire Mounier-Vehier, cardiologist, Head of the Vascular Medicine and Hypertension Department at Lille University Hospital, and President of the “Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes” Association.
