Blood in the semen: causes, sign of cancer?

Blood in the semen causes sign of cancer

If the presence of blood in the semen may seem worrying, it is only very rarely a sign of cancer. What causes hemospermia? Who to consult? What treatment?

See blood in semen can worry. However, hemospermia is often benignas Pr Stéphane Droupy, urologist andrologist, explains to us.

What is the medical name for blood in semen?

The presence of blood in semen is a hemospermia. If it may seem a little worrying, it is nevertheless often benign.

What Causes Blood in Semen?

The accessory sex gland infections – that is to say the seminal vesicles, the prostate and the bulbourethral glands whose role is to enrich the sperm with seminal fluid – are often the cause of haemospermia. “In the case of a acute prostatitisthe patient may have the symptoms of a urinary tract infection with fever and sperm staining. Hemospermia is even more common in cases of chronic prostatitis where the sick person suffers from irritative symptoms, a very strong urge to urinate, perineal pain and signs of inflammation“, explains Pr Stéphane Droupy, urologist. An enlarged prostate can also cause the presence of blood in the semen. Indeed, if the prostate takes in volume, the vessels dilate. These varicose veins can then easily rupture during an effort such as ejaculation and thus lead to discoloration of the semen. A biopsy also systematically generates hemospermia because it requires perforating the prostate. A malformation where the ejaculatory ducts join or the presence of clots in these channels can also be the source of hemospermia.

Is this a sign of cancer?

“Hemospermia can be a sign of cancer but in very rare cases“, assures the urologist. This track is however always checked if blood is observed in the semen.

How long does hemospermia last?

The duration of hemospermia depends on the cause. “Sometimes, by treating the cause, the hemospermia disappears. Other times, hemospermia can last without a solution being found.not.”

When and who to consult?

If hemospermia occurs only once, it is not worrying. On the other hand, you should consult your doctor or a urologist if this happens again or that hemospermia is associated with other symptomsadvises Professor Stéphane Drupy.

What is the treatement ?

Treatment is aimed at the cause of the hemospermia. To treat prostate infection, the most frequent cause, the urologist will prescribe antibiotics. If the patient suffers from a enlarged prostate, alpha blockers can be offered.

Thanks to Pr Stéphane Droupy, Head of the urology-andrology department at the University Hospital of Nîmes, professor of urology at the University of Montpellier.
