Blood donation: alert from the French blood establishment on a risk of shortage

Blood donation alert from the French blood establishment on a

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    Blood stocks are at their lowest, the French Blood Establishment (EFS) estimates that about 1,500 donations are missing every day to meet demand. The EFS is therefore appealing to people who wish to donate, in order to raise the level of reserves.

    The French blood establishment (EFS) is worried. According to his estimates, 1,500 daily donations are missing to cover the needs in France. This fall in stocks therefore arouses the concern of EFS officials who warn of the situation.

    Respond to patient needs

    The EFS recalls that blood transfusion is a therapeutic response that has no other alternative. It therefore takes 10,000 donations per day to meet the therapeutic needs of patients. Today, the level of reserves is falling with “less than 80,000 pockets available, when more than 100,000 are needed” both for patients and for “anticipate the start of the year” recalls the EFS.

    A new alert, after that of last week

    Already last week, the EFS called on those eligible to donate blood. A call remained without effect, hence this new alert from the EFS. “The situation is particularly worrying: attendance at our blood drives is too low and the outlook for the start of the year is poor in an increasingly difficult context (energy crisis, social climate, etc.). Blood drives are continuing , including between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, you have to go there! We are launching a new appeal to all to meet immediate needs, but also to anticipate the start of the year, which promises to be complex.” indicates François Toujas, president of the EFS.

    To prevent the EFS from finding itself in difficulty in supplying blood products to healthcare establishments, if you can donate your blood, do so. The French Blood Establishment recalls that collections will be organized between Christmas and New Year’s Day.

    You can also visit the site or on the “Blood Donation” app to find out where to donate or to make an appointment.
