Blizzard’s business is getting messy in China

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

For Blizzard, Netease dismantled the Gorehowl ax, one of the most important weapons in World of Warcraft, located at the Netease office in China.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Blizzard’s World of Warcraft game is very popular in China. Especially after the expansion of Pandaria, there was a huge increase in the number of players. However, after years passed, Blizzard was unable to continue the partnership with Netease. In response, Netease began by dismantling the Gorehowl ax located in the Netease office in China.

Blizzard needs to find a new firm to make things right in China

Blizzard’s 14-year relationship with Chinese publisher NetEase will end on January 23, when World Of Warcraft will be offline for millions of Chinese players. As the date approaches, NetEase livestreamed staff members ripping hammers down a giant WoW ax statue in their office, describing Blizzard’s actions as “arrogant, indecent and commercially unreasonable”.

At the end of the video, green tea is offered to the people around. RockPaperShotGunAccording to , this gesture is served as an insult to someone who appears innocent in Chinese culture but is actually manipulative.

Of course there are two sides to the story. At this stage, both sides think they are right. We, on the other hand, try to interpret the bread crumbs we obtain by following the traces. Do you think the reason behind the ending of this deal is Blizzard or Netease?
