Blizzard suddenly announces the release of Vessel of Hatred, coming in October

As part of the Xbox Showcase 2024, Blizzard released the intro cinematic for the first expansion for Diablo 4, Vessel of Hatred. Along with this, the release date of the DLC has finally been announced: It starts on October 8th.

When will Vessel of Hatred be released?

  • The official release is on October 8, 2024.
  • There is no new information about a beta yet. Apparently a beta is already ready and playable, just not official yet.
  • The new announcement only mentions a release on PC and Xbox, but we would be surprised if PlayStation is left out.
  • Here you can find all information about Vessel of Hatred at a glance.

    Is there any new information? Unfortunately, not really. Blizzard showed the intro cinematic for the new expansion, but didn’t reveal anything else about Vessel of Hatred. A few pieces of information can be gleaned from the trailer, although most of it was already known:

  • Neyrelle is on her way to Kurast, the capital of the new territory.
  • She has Mephisto’s soul stone with her, which is slowly corrupting her.
  • Mephisto’s power is growing and he appears to be our next opponent.
  • The intro cinematic of the new expansion is surprisingly brutal, even by Diablo standards. So a little warning in advance: If you don’t like mutilation, blood and very graphic violence, you should definitely not watch it.

    Trailer for Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred gives insight into the story of the expansion

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    Vessel of Hatred – New class, story and content

    Vessel of Hatred will add another area to the Diablo 4 map: Nahantu, the swamp and jungle area around the city of Kurast south of Kehjistan. The story there revolves around Neyrelle and Mephisto, the Lord of Hate.

    Along with the story expansion and the new area comes a new class, Spiritborn, and all existing classes will receive an update and presumably new skills. There was no new information about Spiritborn itself – here you can find everything we already know about the new class.

    As soon as we find out more about a possible beta and the Spiritborn, we will of course let you know. At BlizzCon 2023, we were able to ask a few questions about the future of the game and received answers: “The community is the most important asset” – Blizzard talks to us about the development and future of Diablo 4
