Blizzard reveals which class dies most often

Hardcore mode has been available in WoW Classic for almost a week. There each character has only one life and if you die you have to start all over again. Blizzard has now revealed which class dies most often. It’s the hunter.

How often do the hunters die? On August 30, the developers revealed that 32% of all hunters created have already died. This is the highest value among all classes. The result is surprising … but somehow not:

  • At first glance, Hunters seem like a strong class for Hadcore mode. They have a pet that can tank, traps to prepare for a tough fight, use ranged combat, and if they’re lucky, they can flee a fight thanks to the Feign Dead ability.
  • However, if you look more closely, there are problems. Hunters are among the weakest classes in DPS according to WoWHead. In addition, ranged combat is a disadvantage because you do not level up the hit chance in close combat and the defense. If the pet dies, one is easily defeated.
  • Another catch is that the hunters only get their animal companion at level 10. On average, however, players die at level 9 in hardcore mode. The class cannot yet fall back on its full potential. Playing dead is also only available at a higher level.
  • Incidentally, a magician won the race for world first at level 60 in hardcore mode. It took him almost 70 hours of play. For his success, he relied on a very risky spec, which paid off in the end.

    WoW Classic: The hardcore servers are here!

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    More than 360,000 deaths and no end in sight

    How is it overall in hardcore mode? Blizzard revealed that after 24 hours, over 90,000 players have died. The number has since increased massively.

    There are currently more than 360,000 dead characters that are no longer playable unless you want to walk around as a ghost to keep in touch with your friends.

    Most deaths were for the Horde around Orgrimar, Durotar, and Mulgore. So primarily in the start zones. The Alliance are increasingly making their way to Westfall and Darkshore, with many deaths reported around Ironforge as well.

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    The hardcore servers have certainly triggered a small hype among the players. So you can find a number of funny stories in Reddit, such as how stupid you died or how nice other players helped you.

    A well-known Swede has now also returned to the MMORPG: WoW Classic is now really hard, attracting a legendary player from before who streams daily on Twitch.

    What do you think of the hardcore servers? Do you enjoy it too?
