Blizzard really wanted to destroy Diablo 4 with the server slam – Runs more stable than ever

The last test before the release of Diablo 4 should really push the Blizzard servers to their limits. After the open beta, there was already a fear that this would be a queue festival. Now players are surprised that the opposite is true. The server slam runs buttery smooth and even the nerfs are largely well received.

This is the current test:

The server slam is going so well: We accompanied the start of the live ticker for the server slam. At 21:00 on June 12th it started and the players could log in. And even really: no queues, no errors.

With a look at the hours of queues and various bugs for the open beta, this caused a lot of surprises. Only occasionally do people struggle with disconnects or stuttering.

Within a few hours, the first players have reached the maximum level 20, are now stocking up on Legendarys or waiting for Ashava to spawn. The last test is already going down pretty well. And that’s not just because of the surprisingly good performance.

You can see the trailer from the server slam here:

Diablo 4: The trailer for the server slam with content and rewards

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“Loot feels so much better”

Especially on Reddit there is a lot of praise for the performance of the servers. Apart from minor problems, for which the test was actually intended, there is really nothing to complain about.

However, one of the most important changes compared to the beta is that the Legendary’s drop rate has been significantly reduced (via Reddit). In the open beta there was a multiple of legendary items to test, now the drop rate is as low as when it was released in June.

The players progress correspondingly more slowly, but are still happy about it:

It was much more challenging than the last betas and each battle takes longer. Elites are more of a challenge, dungeon bosses absolutely kick my ass. I died 3 times before defeating the boss in the Blood Howl dungeon.

p_frm_da_ept on Reddit

There is also praise from the readers on MeinMMO. User Tronic48 writes: Was through the story and a few side tasks in about 5 hours, then level 20 immediately afterwards. Didn’t really want to uncover the whole map for the 3rd time […] now I’ve done it again. It doesn’t let you go.

We also noticed while playing that the difficulty was tightened up properly. At the moment it’s hard to say if that’s due to the game itself or the fact that pretty much all classes are properly nerfed.

Opinions differ significantly here. Necromancer fans in particular are whining about the loss of their favorite class:

Blizzard nerfs Diablo 4’s strongest class so hard that thousands mourn it: “Just got deleted.”
