There were big nerfs in the card game Hearthstone. A card rarely won, but was still so annoying that it had to be removed.
The launch of the new Hearthstone expansion “The Great Dark Expanses” was a few days ago and after just a few hours it became clear that some cards were significantly hindering the fun of the game.
Now Blizzard has released a hotfix with over two dozen buffs and nerfs. This also affects a card that was downgraded from “extremely annoying” to “virtually unplayable”.
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Blizzard nerfs the card “Quasar” into insignificance
What kind of card is the problem? One of the big nuisance cards was “Quasar” from Rogue. For 6 mana, you completely shuffle your hand into the deck and then reduce the cost of all cards in the deck by 3 mana.
Since the deck that was quickly standard-playing the card, aside from Quasar, was basically just cards that cost between 0 and 4 mana and had a lot of card draw, this meant:
In the next turn, a thunderstorm of effects begins, because the villain can draw and play 10, 15 or even 20 cards within one turn and bomb the opponent into the digital afterlife – without any chance of interaction.
Even though decks with this card had a low win rate of 40% to 42%, they were frustrating. Because once the combo was triggered, you were doomed to watch. There was no fun in the game.
We at MeinMMO were already excited about the Quasar card. Because the card has nipped any fun the opponent had in the bud, as there is no way in the game to react to it in any way.
What has Blizzard changed now? Quasar’s mana cost increased from 6 mana to 8 mana. The card can therefore only be played 2 moves later. This essentially ensures that the deck and this game type are considered buried until further notice. It is equivalent to simply deleting the card from the game. Blizzard also subsequently apologized for the card on the official Hearthstone website:
Yes, our mistake… With each expansion we want to release some “dreamy” cards that make players think about what they can do with the game. These cards shouldn’t be considered the most powerful – the fun of them is the “what if?” For the most part, Quasar has fallen into this category – it definitely kept the Dreamers tinkering and didn’t prove too powerful – but if this card works too well and ends games too quickly, the dream quickly becomes a nightmare when played against she has to play.
What else was changed? Apart from the Quasar, the hero card Reno Jackson was particularly affected. This now only removes minions, but no longer locations or inactive minions. This is necessary so that the new mechanics of the spaceships can function at all.
Far too often it happened that players spent several rounds laboriously assembling their spaceship (and foregoing other power to do so), only to experience how Reno Jackson simply deleted their spaceship from the battlefield before take-off. If the core mechanics of a new expansion can never be used because old cards prevent exactly that perfectly, that’s a problem – one that has now been fixed.
By the way, StarCraft content will soon be available in Hearthstone – like Kerrigan and Raynor.