Blizzard “bullies” a streamer with a gift and viewers love it

A streamer accidentally makes just the right noise, and Blizzard takes that as an opportunity to harp on about it.

Who is Voxy? Voxy is a Twitch streamer who may be known for her content about the Magic card game. Mostly compilations of their streams end up on YouTube, but the videos have so far had quite manageable numbers of views there, mostly between a few hundred and a few thousand.

However, a few weeks ago she collaborated with another streamer on Hearthstone. They created two videos that resonated with both communities: one about a Magic player evaluating various Hearthstone cards and creating an arena deck, while the Hearthstone player did the same for her Magic deck.

This video was the breakthrough for Voxy, as it had 139,000 views.

However, Voxy “hooked” the viewing and rating of the cards – and probably also the success – so that she wanted to take a look at Hearthstone. Together with her viewers, she then mainly played the solo adventures because there is no time limit and you can look at the cards, get to know them and plan them at your leisure.

What happened then? During the solo adventure Dalaran Heist, Voxy then played an effect with Discover and was confronted by the Weasel Tunneler. The artwork of the card shows a mischievously grinning little weasel with a felt hat on his head and a cigar in his mouth. The sight amused Voxy so much that she burst out laughing and could hardly control herself.

The community got even more amused, though, because in her fit of laughter, Voxy sounded pretty much exactly like the sound the burrowing weasel makes when you play it: a particularly throaty, smoky laugh.

When asked about this, Voxy reacts indignantly and is sure that she doesn’t sound that terrible at all – but only until she hears both noises again one after the other:

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How Blizzard reacts: Apparently there was someone at Blizzard who was as amused by Voxy’s videos as the community. Because just a few days after the incident, Voxy had two packages from Blizzard on her doorstep.

A felt hat was included in the first package, just as Voxy expected, so that she looks a little closer to the burrowing weasel. While Voxy is a little playful on camera, she and the community seem excited about the gift as she reads Blizzard’s message:

We laughed out loud at your burrowing weasel saga, even though we didn’t sound like you. Enjoy these little mementos of your true self and see you in the Dalaran Heist.

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When she puts on her hat, she has to laugh so much at the sight of herself that she has to make the iconic burrowing weasel sound again.

The second gift is also well received. It’s a mug with the “Weasel Tunneler” as a motif and the phrase “Up to no good” – that was Voxy’s first assessment when looking at this card.

Even if Blizzard receives a lot of criticism from the players in the Hearthstone area – at least one streamer and her fairly positive community have been made happy here.

Other streamers are much less positive: Shurjoka is in the crosshairs and has become a hate figure on the Internet
