Blinken assures that Netanyahu “reaffirmed his commitment” to a ceasefire – L’Express

Blinken assures that Netanyahu reaffirmed his commitment to a ceasefire

Jordan is organizing an international conference on Tuesday, June 11, aimed at raising funds for humanitarian aid for the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, devastated by eight months of war. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who began a new tour of the Middle East on Monday to plead for a ceasefire, is due to attend this conference, organized jointly by the United Nations, Jordan and Egypt .

Information to remember

⇒ Blinken assures Netanyahu “reaffirmed his commitment” to a ceasefire

⇒ A draft resolution adopted by the UN

⇒ Four Israeli soldiers killed

Blinken assures Netanyahu “reaffirmed his commitment” to a ceasefire

While touring the region, American Secretary of State Antony Blinken assured Tuesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had “reaffirmed his commitment” to a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

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“I met Mr. Netanyahu last night and he reaffirmed his commitment to the proposal” for a ceasefire agreement, declared Antony Blinken, referring to the plan presented by the United States to the UN. The head of American diplomacy also described as an “encouraging sign” the reaction of Hamas, which said it welcomed the UN Security Council resolution passed on Tuesday with a view to a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. .

A draft resolution adopted by the UN

This eighth regional tour by the Secretary of State since the start of the war on October 7 comes as the UN Security Council adopted on Monday a draft American resolution supporting a ceasefire plan announced on May 31 by President Joe Biden. The text received 14 votes. Russia abstained.

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“This Council has sent a clear message to Hamas: accept the ceasefire agreement on the table. Israel has already accepted it and the fighting could stop today if Hamas did the same,” he said. reacted the American ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

The United States is now placing the responsibility on Hamas for accepting the text. The Islamist movement “welcomed” the resolution and said it was ready to cooperate “to begin indirect negotiations concerning the implementation of these principles.”

Four Israeli soldiers killed

The Israeli army announced Tuesday the death of four of its soldiers, killed in fighting in the south of the Gaza Strip the day before, more than eight months after the start of the war against the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas. The soldiers, three conscripts aged 19 and 20 and a 24-year-old active commander, were “killed during fighting in the south of the Gaza Strip” on Monday, the army said in a statement, without giving details. details of the circumstances of their death.

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According to Israeli public broadcaster Kan, the four soldiers were killed in the explosion of a booby-trapped building in Rafah, a town on the southern edge of the Gaza Strip where the Israeli army is concentrating its efforts with the announced aim of destroy the last battalions of the armed wing of Hamas.

Five dead in strike on Syrian-Lebanese border

Five people were killed before midnight Monday, including three Syrians working with Hezbollah, in Israeli strikes targeting a convoy of fuel trucks entering Lebanon from neighboring Syria, an NGO and military sources said. Since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip between Israel and the Islamist movement Hamas on October 7, the powerful Lebanese Hezbollah has regularly exchanged fire with the Israeli army, in support of its Palestinian ally.

The strike targeting tanker trucks comes against a backdrop of intensifying violence between pro-Iranian Hezbollah and Israel in recent weeks.
