Blessing has got a job in Sweden – is looking for a work permit

It was in June that the border police picked up Blessing and daughter Princess to deport them to Nigeria. But now the story has taken a turn, Blessing applied for a job with his former employer and got it, which P4 Värmland was the first to report on.

The difference from last time is that the position has been posted on the employment agency’s website as well, which was not the case last time. This means that the job is available for everyone to apply for.

For SVT Nyheter Värmland, the Migration Agency also confirms in an email that they have received an application for a residence and work permit concerning her.

– I miss friends who care about me and it feels good that I’m coming back again, says Blessing Mmaete Makufi about the announcement.

In the clip, you see Blessing tell more about what the news means for her and her daughter.
