Blended family: 8 tips from a psychologist to promote understanding between children

Blended family 8 tips from a psychologist to promote understanding

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    in collaboration with

    Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical Psychologist)

    Are you going on vacation with your partner’s children and fearing the worst? Here’s how to best manage family relationships and balance everyone’s expectations.

    While managing your own children can be complex enough, adding the delicate role of stepparent in a blended family can be a huge challenge. Fortunately, there are some tips to help your children bond more easily.

    Blended families: a great challenge

    Raising children, planning, rivalries, questions of belonging and identity, discipline… In the wonderful world of blended families, there can be many problems (and tensions), especially between each child.

    And for good reason: if brothers and sisters have received the same education and the same lifestyle habits, being confronted with the characters and morals of another sibling group is not an easy thing.

    Blended families are a real challenge! Especially when it comes to getting along between the children“, confirms our expert, Amélie Boukhobza.

    Here are some tips to promote a harmonious atmosphere and facilitate everyone’s integration.

    Living well together: tips from our expert

    1. Create quality family time

    Organize regular activities where all family members can participate together, such as outings, board games or special meals. Because these shared moments strengthen bonds and create shared memories“, explains the psychologist.

    2. Encourage communication

    Establish a climate of trust where everyone can express their feelings and concerns without judgment. Hold family meetings to discuss expectations, problems, and solutions together. Give your partner’s children a voice!“, recommends the expert.

    3. Respect everyone’s spaces and times

    Every child should have their own space and time to themselves. Respecting this need for privacy helps prevent tensions and respects individual differences“, the specialist emphasizes.

    4. Avoid comparisons

    Never compare children to each other. Every child is unique and deserves to be appreciated for his or her own qualities. Comparisons will only generate jealousy and rivalry.“, recalls Amélie Boukhobza.

    5. Value every child

    Show each child that they are important and loved. Take the time to ask each child how their day went, to recognize their successes, and to encourage their efforts. A feeling of recognition and appreciation promotes better understanding.” explains the psychologist.

    6. Establish common rituals

    THE ritualssuch as family dinners, vacations, or bedtime stories, create a sense of belonging and continuity. These structuring moments are reassuring and strengthen family bonds.“, assures the specialist.

    7. Involve children in family decisions

    Let children participate in certain decisions, such as choosing family activities or organizing the house. Ask their opinion! This gives them a sense of belonging and responsibility.“, reveals the expert.

    8. Accept and manage conflicts

    THE Conflicts are inevitable. Teach children to express their disagreements in the most respectful way possible and to seek solutions together. Intervene in a fair and impartial manner to help resolve differences. In short, everyone must be given a special place!“, concludes Amélie Boukhobza.

    Parenting: 10 Parental Behaviors That Are Toxic to Children

    Slideshow: Parenting: 10 Parental Behaviors That Are Toxic to Children
