BJP attempts to appropriate Gandhi’s legacy

BJP attempts to appropriate Gandhis legacy

We have been voting for the legislative elections in Gujarat, India for four days. It was here that Narendra Modi rose to prominence as Chief Minister. It is also here that Mahatma Gandhi, father of the Indian nation, was born. An icon, which all parties claim during this campaign. The latest outing of the Hindu nationalist party BJP at a meeting this Saturday, December 3 did not go unnoticed.

With our special envoy back from Ahmedabad, Como Bastin

It is time to fulfill Gandhi’s dream of obliterating the Congress party. This is the declaration of Yogi Adityanath, Chief Minister of the State of Uttar Pradesh, who came to support the BJP in Gujarat.

After Indian independence in 1947, Gandhi would have considered that the Congress had fulfilled its mission, advanced this figure of the Hindu nationalists to justify his provocation.

A few days earlier, the Congress party, the main opponent of the BJP, delivered a completely different interpretation of Gandhi’s dream. Insisting on inequalities, its new president, Mallikarjun Kharge, called for “ beat the BJP to rebuild Gandhi’s Gujarat “.

Founder of local media Vibes of India, Deepal Trivedi regrets Gandhi’s political overexploitation.

Unfortunately, everyone uses and abuses Gandhi’s philosophy. He was a vegetarian, from a high-caste family in Gujarat. And he fought for equality, the emancipation of women, the diversity of India.

If Gandhi was the pride of Gujarat in the 20th century, it is Narendra Modi who embodies him in the 21st “said the Indian Minister of Defense shortly.

Many activists, however, believe that the humanist ideals of the father of the Indian nation are incompatible with the unequal model supported by the BJP.

►Read again: India: Prime Minister Modi hyperactive in the state of Gujarat before the elections
