Björn and Gerd maximize Easter – for the 40th year in a row: “We love to decorate”

Easter was celebrated big in Stockholm. The couple Björn and Gerd Eriksson in Bro have the whole garden full of decorations – for the 40th year in a row. – We love to decorate, she says. In Stockholm, Easter Eve offered nice weather and a lot of Easter decorations. In central Stockholm, the locally known “Easter ball” has been decorated with both rabbits and Easter eggs. In Bro, north of the capital, the couple Björn and Gerd Eriksson have enriched their garden with homemade decorations for the 40th year in a row. When TV4 Nyheterna visits the couple, they happily talk about their tradition. – We love to decorate. We get inspiration and then something nice happens. An Easter bunny here and a troll there, says Gerd Eriksson. “Very fun” The couple says that they usually get compliments for their decorations. Sometimes Gerd invites people over for a cup of coffee. – Some people think it’s a lot of fun, she says. And it’s not just Easter that is celebrated big at the Erikssons’ home. – You should see during Christmas, how many elves are here then, says Björn. For some, the huge celebration can be too much. – My children say it will be too much, says Gerd and laughs. See the report in the player above.
