Bizarre planning miss that can only happen in Division 1 – the honest pictures now make the whole of football-Sweden as tan

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

It will not always be perfect.
And especially not here – where the new lines to the football field were chalked up in the wrong place.

There will be some problems when the players during Wednesday’s match between Torns IF and IFK Malmö go out and hit a corner. This is because the lines at the corner flag are, to say the least, strangely chalked.

Bizarre miss

The football field at Tornvallen is surrounded by concrete slabs. And when the municipality of Lund would chalk the plan before the meeting in one south, it could possibly be that they have drawn completely wrong lines.

Photo: Twitter

A large part of the semicircle that shows where the ball should be placed in front of a corner has been chalked on these concrete slabs. It has made the home club Torns IF to some extent mock the municipality via social media.

The club’s scorn

“We are very grateful for everything that Lund Municipality does for our association. They are building a new stand and protecting the grass by laying out plates. “, The club writes on Twitter and continues:

“They chalk our plan ahead of tonight’s match against IFK Malmö. However, there are some indications of shortcomings in internal communication. “

And yes. We can really understand why the club had some views on this…

We are very grateful for everything that Lund Municipality does for our association. They build new stands and protect the grass by laying out plates. They chalk our plan ahead of tonight’s match against IFK Malmö. However, there are some indications of shortcomings in internal communication.

– Torns IF (@ TornsIF1965) June 22, 2022

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