Birth grant: amount 2023, when is it paid?

Birth grant amount 2023 when is it paid

The birth bonus is paid at the beginning of the 7th month of pregnancy. This aid allows future parents to meet the first expenses related to the baby’s arrival. This year, the ceiling of resources as well as the amounts are increased. Conditions, amount and procedures.

When do you receive the birth bonus?

Since April 1, 2021, the birth bonus is paid from the 7th month of pregnancy, in one go, by bank transfer. Until now, pregnant women only received this aid from the Caf in the second month of the child’s life, which was not practical for preparing for the arrival of the baby and buying the essential childcare items from birth. Expectant mothers can therefore benefit from the birth bonus before giving birth.

What is the amount of the birth bonus in 2023?

In 2023, the amount of the birth bonus amounts to 1003.95 euros. Otherwise, if you are pregnant with twins, know that the amount is doubled since there are as many birth bonuses as there are children to be born. You will then have to send a medical certificate which specifies the number of children expected. The amount is also doubled in case of multiple adoption.

Birth bonus: what resource ceilings?

Number of dependent children

Couple with 2 incomes or single parent

Couple with one income
1 child€43,665€33,040
2 children€50,273€39,648
3 children€58,203€47,578
Additional child€7,930€7,930

In 2023, the resource ceilings for family allowances will increase. The N-2 net income for the current year must be taken into account (i.e. the income for the year 2021 for the year 2023). Resource caps are used to define the amount of the birth grant and must not exceed a certain amount. They are also determined according to the number of dependent child(ren), knowing that the unborn child, from the 6th month of pregnancy, is considered to be a dependent child.

To be entitled to the birth bonus, you must be pregnant and submit to the 1st prenatal medical examination during pregnancy. This consultation, which takes place with the doctor or midwife, takes place before the end of the third month of pregnancy. During this interview and using your vital card, the health professional will complete your online pregnancy declaration. He will then give you your document “First prenatal examination”which will allow you to declare your pregnancy to the CAF and health insurance. Be careful, these two organizations must be notified before the end of 14 weeks of pregnancy. Note that the request will be studied by the Caf during the 6th month of pregnancy.

Apply for birth grant

Who is entitled to the Caf birth bonus?

The birth bonus for the childcare benefit (Paje) is a bonus paid to future parents, subject to means testing.

What is the birth bonus used for?

Lhas a bonus at birth allows parents to deal with expenses related to the birth of a child. Between the purchase of the stroller, the car seat, essential childcare accessories, the layout of the baby’s room, nappies and clothes, future parents have every interest in planning a budget to the arrival of their newborn. To give them a little boost, the Caf pays young parents childcare benefit which includes several aids: the basic allowance, the PreParE benefit, the additional free choice of childcareand finally, the birth bonus. As with most family allowances, the birth bonus is granted subject to means testing and the number of dependent children. let’s remember that the birth bonus is paid in one go for each unborn child (or in case of adoption). To note that the basic allowance of the Paje (if you are entitled to it), is paid at the same time as the birth grant. If you meet the means test and your declaration of pregnancy has been sent to the Caf, you will then receive the bounty.
