Birgit, 85, was saved by the children Mio, Molly and Tove

Mio, Molly and Tove.
That’s the name of the three hero children who saved 85-year-old Birgit from a terrible drowning accident.
– I want to thank you for saving my life. Otherwise I wouldn’t be alive today, says Birgit in a greeting to the children in Efter fem.
The children’s efforts were later praised by the rescue service.

It was Monday, August 14, that friends Molly Brorsson, 12, Mio Grevstad, 12, and little sister Tove Grevstad were and were going to have a lovely day at the beach during the final stage of the summer vacation.

But instead of the beach, swimming and ice cream, the day turned into something completely different, such as, among other things Sydsvenskan has reported on.

The drama began when Mio was standing on the dock, coming up from the water, when he caught sight of a swimming woman who acted a little differently.

– She bubbled with her mouth on the surface. Then she went further and further out, and swam a little. Then I saw her head down. Then I thought she would swim with her head under the surface. But then Tove and Molly came running and shouted that there was a person under the water.

The discovery made the children run towards land where mother and grandfather were. They both went into the water and saw the woman – lying on her stomach with her face under the water.

Grandfather pulled the woman ashore and mother alerted the emergency services.

According to Sydsvenskan, there was a medically trained man nearby who perceived the drama and started lifesaving. Finally she came back to life and only minutes later the ambulance came and took over.

The children found the whole sequence of events unpleasant.

Awarded the “Gold Ax”

After the incident, Birgit called for the heroes via a handwritten letter that she posted on social media. The letter was shared by many people and finally the heroes were found. Birgit herself does not remember much of the incident, but is of course incredibly grateful for the help from everyone involved.

In Efter fem, Birgit has sent a greeting to the children who noticed her.

– I want to thank you for saving my life. Otherwise I wouldn’t be alive today. I feel good now. You can really feel proud that made this effort.

Mio, Molly and Tove’s heroic efforts were later praised by the rescue service.

– We got a golden ax where it said that we were good at reacting so quickly.


See the full interview in the player
