Bird Box Barcelona doesn’t show the monsters, but there are pictures of them – and they’re extremely scary

Bird Box Barcelona doesnt show the monsters but there are

A secret is often made out of the aliens or monsters in blockbusters. Jaws, Godzilla or A Quiet Place are just a few examples. The difference to Bird Box and the new spin-off Bird Box Barcelona: at some point these films show their great attractions.

In Bird Box Barcelona, ​​the deadly critters remain hidden. Since Friday you can stream the film on Netflix and maybe you’re all wild for at least a little visual impression. We show you what the monsters that drive people to suicide at the sight of them should look like.

5 years ago, concept art of the Bird Box monsters was released

Shortly after Bird Box was released in 2018, draft designs for the creatures began to appear, as we reported at the time. The sculpture and make-up artist company SFX ATLAS was responsible for the design. The images were posted to Instagram by special effects artist Andy Bergholtz and later deleted.

SFX ATLAS/Instagram

The Monster Designs for Bird Box

The designs show a kind deformed baby shape. You’ve come a long way. Nevertheless, the director Susanne Bier decided against using them. Why?

Why is Bird Box Barcelona not showing the monsters (again)?

The design was even used for the first Bird Box, with one scene already shot: it was supposed to show a nightmare involving a pregnant character and that baby creature. However, the scene was subsequently cut from the film. Bergholtz later said he was glad that Susanne Bier followed through with her vision:

In the end I really liked the film and I think it was better NOT to show the makeup. Kudos to the director for staying true to herself.What is Bird Box Barcelona about?

An unseen force is driving the world’s population to suicide at eye contact. The Spaniard Sebastián struggles through the streets of Barcelona with his young daughter Anna. In order to survive, they form a shaky alliance with other survivors. However, the creatures are not the only problem. You have found unexpected allies.

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