biological diversity, an issue for the rural world

biological diversity an issue for the rural world

In Senegal, civil society organizations are fighting for sustainable agriculture that respects the environment in order to preserve biodiversity in the rural world, while agriculture employs 60% of the active population.

With our correspondent in Dakar, Thea Olivier

An endangered plant and animal biodiversity. This is the observation made by Mariam Sow, president of the organization for sustainable development, Enda Tiers-monde. She is worried about the potential arrival of genetically modified seeds in the country, which could standardize the varieties used. She then fights for the preservation of peasant seeds

We know that when it comes to cereal crops, each farmer is used to selecting his own seeds and saving them. And we also know that in terms of vegetables (pumpkins, squash, cassava, etc.) we work with our traditional vegetables »

To preserve biodiversity, Mariam Sow also promotes good practices in the face of agricultural land degradation. “ In some areas, people have given up too much in believing in chemical fertilizers. We know that the earth is tired, so we must give it life. To put the tree back in its place, bring organic matter that makes the land live, crop diversification, review the monoculture that only destroys the land “. Another track: stop the use of pesticides that kill beneficial insect pests » protecting crops.
