Biography | Becky Chambers – Novelist

Biography Becky Chambers Novelist

Young, she began by writing fan-fiction on Sailor Moon. Then later, she studied performing arts. Becky Chambers worked as a director of theater companies, then as a technical writer or even as a production assistant. As early as 2010, she began to write furiously short stories and essays.

A furious desire to write

In 2012, Becky Chambers began writing what would be the first volume in her series of Travelers with Within a year and a second in the wake Release. Coming from a family very oriented towards stars, her mother being an astrobiologist, it was no surprise that Becky Chambers had turned to science fiction. However, she lost her job along the way and had to finance the writing of her first novel thanks to a Kickstarter, and self-published in 2014. The rights would then be taken over by the publishing house Hodder and Stoughton who gave a second blast to the series.

A Rewarded Vocation

Adapted in many countries, the novels of Becky Chambers are currently available in French from Atalante editions. Critically acclaimed, her texts have been nominated for numerous awards including the Arthur C. Clarke Award, the Bailey’s Women’s Prize for Fiction, the Locus Award or the Hugo Prize.

After living in Scotland and Iceland, Becky Chambers decided to finally return to California, her homeland. She spends her free time playing video games, participate in role plays or even admire the stars through his telescope.


  • The space of a year, L’Atalante 2016 (The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, 2015)

  • Release, L’Atalante 2017 (A Closed and Common Orbit, 2016)

  • ATbanks of the exodus, L’Atalante 2019 (Record of a Spaceborn Few, 2018)
  • The Galaxy, and the Ground Within, 2021
  • To learn, if by luck, L’Atalante 2020 (To Be Taught, If Fortunate, 2019)

  • The Vela, Serial Box, 2019 Co-authored with SL Huang, Yoon Ha Lee, Lydia Shamah and Rivers Solomon

  • A Psalm for the Wild-Built, 2021

