Bioethics law: PMA for all has been promulgated

Bioethics law PMA for all has been promulgated

  • News
  • Updated 08/05/2021

    2 min read

    The bioethics law, including its flagship measure giving access to assisted reproduction to all women, was promulgated on Tuesday, August 3 in the Official Journal. The Parliament had definitively adopted, Tuesday, June 29, the bill after long back and forth between deputies and senators.

    After multiple back and forth between the National Assembly and the Senate, the deputies voted on August 29 and definitively for the adoption of the bioethics bill which includes, among other things, the measure allowing all women – including lesbians and single people – to have access to medically assisted procreation (MAP). The law was promulgated on Tuesday August 3 at Official newspaper.

    Homosexual and / or single women will be able to “register for PMA courses from the start of the school year” promised Olivier Véran, Minister of Health.

    Track your pregnancy week after week

    Discussions blocked for months

    Since the start of the year, parliamentarians have not been able to come to an agreement. The senators, mostly on the right, reject Article 1 which opens the PMA to all women, unlike the deputies.

    In detail: on February 4, the text of the law was voted on by the Senate, rejecting Article 1 when it had been adopted at first reading by the deputies. A joint joint committee (CMP) had to meet in order to find a compromise text, without success. On June 1, during this committee, 1,700 amendments were tabled with the aim of modifying the initial text. But the presidential majority has restored it as it was at the end of the second reading in the Assembly, informed Coralie Dubost, deputy for the Republic En Marche and co-rapporteur of the text.

    Subsequently, on the night of Wednesday 9 to Thursday 10 June, the bill was again adopted by the deputies with 84 votes in favor, 43 against and 3 abstentions. The text was then examined one last time by the Senate on June 24, before returning to the National Assembly.

    The government aims for the text to be adopted before the parliamentary truce at the end of July. Which was not to the taste of senators. In a column published in The cross on May 31, more than 80 deputies The Republicans criticized the government for forcing the adoption of this bill when they considered discussing a sensitive societal subject. For them, the debate should be postponed.

    As for citizens, 67% of French people are in favor of extending assisted reproduction to all women, according to a recent Ifop survey commissioned by the association of homoparental families.

