Bills, family bonuses under study since mid-year

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(Finance) – A consumption-based bonus which makes it possible to encourage energy saving, as already announced by Minister Giorgetti at the end of the year. This, in the matter of aid on expensive energy for familiesthe measure being studied by the MEF which, pending the feasibility projections of the Arera, could start from the second half of the year.

It would also be under evaluation – according to reports from Ansa – the renewal of the social bonus with the current Isee thresholds. For the theenterprises a tax credit modulated on the price of gas is being studied: the idea is to set a threshold beyond which the ‘discount’ increases, below it is not foreseen.

While for the family bonus the study times would be a little longer, the renewal of the social bonus and the tax credit for businesses could start in April. At the end of March, in fact, the aid extended by the maneuver expires. For companies, the tax credits would increase as the price of gas increases, but the maximum threshold would remain that set in the last budget law, which strengthened the tax credits, bringing them to 45% for energy and gas-intensive companies and to 35% for commercial establishments.
