billionaire Elon Musk claims he is buying the club from Manchester United

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Follower of sometimes unpredictable and provocative positions, Elon Musk created the surprise, on the night of August 16 to 17, by announcing on Twitter the purchase of the British football club Manchester United. The billionaire, of American, Canadian and South African nationality, first posted a message on the social network in which he said he supported ” the left half of the Republican Party and the right half of the Democratic Party “. And in a second message, the boss of Tesla and SpaceX simply added: “ And I buy Manchester United, you’re welcome “. Asked by AFP, neither Tesla nor the club’s management responded immediately. Manchester United, whose sporting results have been disappointing for several years, was acquired in 2005 by American entrepreneur Malcolm Glazer. Since the latter’s death in 2014, the club has been controlled by his six children. Elon Musk, for his part, is currently in the midst of a legal battle with Twitter, after his failed takeover plan for the social network.

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