Billionaire Bryan Johnson receives plasma transfusion from his son to rejuvenate

Billionaire Bryan Johnson receives plasma transfusion from his son to

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Christophe de Jaeger (Longevity and geriatrics)

    Now well known for his attempts to rejuvenate at all costs, technology mogul Bryan Johnson has just tried a new experiment. He received blood plasma from his 17-year-old son Talmage. The point of view on this experience of Dr. Christophe de Jaeger, physiologist, specialist in aging and member of the committee of experts of Doctissimo.

    Famous for having spent several million dollars in a race for eternal youth, Bryan Johnson has just tried a new experience: to be transfused with the plasma of his 17-year-old son.

    Transfusions from an anonymous donor and now from his son

    In an attempt to stay eternally young, the billionaire has just tried a new experience. Having previously received blood transfusions from an unknown but healthy donor, carefully selected for his ideal Body Mass Index and healthy lifestyle, Bryan Johnson has this time agreed to receive plasma from his own son. , Talmage, 17 years old.

    A body much younger than its chronological age

    According to his doctors, the age of Bryan Johnson’s body would be much lower than that of his chronological age. If the man is 45 years old, he managed to reduce his biological age in a short time. He would now have the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old, and the lung capacity and fitness of an 18-year-old.

    The billionaire also claims to consume exactly 1,977 calories per day, which ensures that his body fat percentage remains between 5 and 6%. Adding that his goal was to make sure his brain, liver, kidneys, teeth, skin, hair, penis and rectum function like they did when he was 18.

    An experiment based on heterochromic parabiosis

    Asked about this experience, Dr. Christophe de Jaeger, a specialist in senescence, explains that plasma transfusion is based on an old experiment carried out in mice. “This is heterochromic parabiosis, an experiment that involves linking the bloodstreams of two mice, one young and one old. In this experiment, we find that in the elderly mouse, the markers of aging disappear: the mouse literally looks younger!” explains the doctor.

    The only difference is that the blood of the two mice is completely exchanged. “It is not a simple transfusion, as experimented by Bryan Johnson here. In the case of this experiment in mice, the bloods are exchanged in their entirety. This experiment carried out by this billionaire is the very example misunderstood science. If Bryan Johnson had a competent medical team, he would never do this stuff.”
