“Billan” Östlund’s harsh criticism of Russian participants in the Olympics – after the controversial statement that caused emotions: “I don’t think…”

Russian and Belarusian citizens may participate in the 2024 Olympics.
It is now receiving criticism.
– I don’t think it feels like a good idea, says skiing icon Marie-Helene Östlund to Sportbibeln.

Marie-Helene Östlund was basically unknown when she competed in the WC in 1987. But everything changed after the then 20-year-old Östlund won gold in the 20 kilometer freestyle. Overnight she then became “Billan” Östlund with the entire Swedish people.

After the career

At the same WC, she also won bronze in the relay with the other skaters in the national team. For his performance in the championship, Billan received the Bragdguldet and the Jerring Prize. In total, there were four WC medals during his career. Also two victories and nine podiums in the World Cup.

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STOCKHOLM 20110323 Cross-country skier Marie-Helene “Billan” Östlund participates in the third season of “Master of Masters” in SVT, where Swedish former sports stars compete for the title. Photo: Victor Lundberg / SCANPIX / Code: 10920

After her career, Marie-Helene has left the world of skiing and runs a conference facility with a restaurant together with her husband Erik Östlund. She has also participated in the programs “Master of Masters” and “Superstars”, where she finished fifth and third respectively.

Östlund’s criticism

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, discussions have been held as to whether Russian athletes should be allowed to participate in international competitions and events. Until now, the answer has mostly been no, but recently it was announced that Russian citizens will be allowed to participate in the Olympics in Paris in 2024.

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941218 Skiing, World Cup: Marie-Helene Östlund, Sweden in 15 km freestyle ladies. Photo: BILDBYRÅN / 18401

Billan Östlund doesn’t like that.
– As long as the war in Ukraine is going on, I don’t think it feels like a good idea, says the skiing icon to Sportbibeln.

They will compete under a neutral flag, does it make a difference?
– No I do not think so. No.

READ MORE: The Swedish skiing hero surprised everyone and sensationally won WC gold – this is what “Billan” is doing today

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