Bill Gates speaks critically of NFTs in decline

Bill Gates speaks critically of NFTs in decline

One of the living legends of Microsoft and the tech world in general. Bill Gatescritical for the NFT system spoke.

Founder and largest shareholder of Microsoft Bill Gates He has been enjoying retirement for a long time and is engaged in various charitable and association works. Gates, who supports important projects in order to make people’s lives better, said that NFT projects “rational“He said he didn’t. Gates even used the concept of “The Greater Fool Theory” for NFTs. This concept centers on the exchange of a commodity to be sold at a higher price in financial markets. Here, buyers buy one item from another in order to sell it at a consistently better price. The last price reaches a very low level and the last person who buys the goods cannot find a buyer at that price. here for this person the biggest fool concept is used, and Gates thinks exactly that with regard to NFTs. By the way, Gates is not wrong about this. Because this is the basis of NFTs, and there are many people who can’t think of selling the NFT they bought at a higher price and make a loss.

Bill Gates also said,Expensive digital images of monkeys will improve the world” style also makes a sarcastic reference to the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs. Bill Gates has a more traditional view on these issues and prefers to stay away from the cryptocurrency side. Gates says he prefers to invest in assets with tangible outputs, such as farms or factories. As the famous name is said has no investment in digital assets.

According to the latest analysis NFT market has seen a 90 percent shrinkage in the last period. Looking at the latest calculations, daily sales have decreased incredibly compared to 3-4 months ago. At the same time, the download rates of applications used for the sale of NFTs such as Opensea are also seeing a huge drop.

This means that NFTs will disappear completely. not coming. However, for now, it is not very likely that the first explosion will be seen once again, due to some thefts and loss of value. At the moment, it seems that the names that will bring NFTs to the fore more will be big technology companies. There are many companies that provide official support for NFTs, which are very common especially among artists, designers and photographers.

Bill Gates had come to our agenda with a phone statement before that. Gates’ own statement is a Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 He shared that he was using a foldable smartphone model. An Android operating system developed by Microsoft surface The famous name, which is strange to not use a phone model, tried many different devices, but offered the big screen in a portable form. Galaxy Z Fold3 states that he has decided on the model.
