A Sarnia Councillor Won’t be Able to wait city Hall without the permission of council nor waits council meetings in person, city council has decided.
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The Decision was made after a third-party investigation Found Coun. Bill Dennis Breached the City’s Policy and Program for Workplace Harassment and Violence, and Applicable Legislation, The City Said in A News Release Monday.
Dennis specificly Breached Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Provisions in His Conduct Toward City Staff, The City Says.
Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley Has Said Multiple Complaints Have Been Levied Against Dennis, from Staff, Councillors and Members of the public, for his behaviour that has include multiple council meeting-ending rages and personal attacks against members of council, staff and the public.
Cut hasn’t put in person since May During the Workplace Investigation.
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A plan is being worked on for a return to in-person meeting, Bradley Said Tuesday.
“Staff have been asked to look at a security plan,” he Said.
The plan will include How to safely managers any evictions from Chambers, he Said.
Dennis was Expelled from a virtual meeting following a Blow-up in November.
Dennis can still participate as a coucillor by teleconference, Bradley Said.
All of Council has put by videoconferencing since the last in-person meeting may 6, he said.
“(Dennis is) Going to be allowed to be still on zoom,” Bradley Said, Adding Dennis is “Not Being Denied Any Right to Speak.”
In A Facebook Post Monday, He Called the Actions Taken by Council “An Absolute Sham,” Suggestized His “Left Wing Political Opponents” Were Trying to “Silence” Him, and Suggestred His Behaviour has been “on the right side” in “A“ A “A“ A “A“ Broken System. ”
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Dennis Cast Himself as a “Change Agent,” and appeared to quote US President Donald Trump, Saying “Fight, Fight, Fight.”
Dennis Previously has apologized For His Outbursts at Council.
He’s also SUING THE CITY AND CHIEF Administrator Chris Carter.
Dennis’ Lawsuit Seeking $ 200,000 in Damages was fled Oct. 31 and alleges Carter is trying “to render him ineffective.”
Statements of Claim and Statements of Defense Include Allegations Not Yet Tested in Court.
The City and Carter Have Filed Notices Saying They Innd to File Statements of Defense.
Dennis also forWarded to the Media A Dec. 17 Letter Addressed to Him from City Human Resources Manager Tammy Broer That Identifies Williams HR Law LLP AS The Third-Party Investigator, and Says Dennis, Becaus of the Investigation’s Findings, Cannot contact or hoard At all, or communications with Other City Staff Members by Email, Except Broer and the City Clerk.
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The Letter Notes Council May Implemental Measures.
“Council Street Penalties Than Were Recommended,” Dennis Said in His Email, Calling “This Whole Thing. . . A Political Witch-Hunt. ”
Not True, Bradley Said.
“Council adopted exactly what the investigator recommended,” he Said.
It’s normal for worrying from Council Members to Staff to go through a point person, he said, noting that person, for dennis, cannot be Carter because of the Lawsuit.
Staff Will Treat Dennis Fairly, He Said.
“(Dennis is) not going to be treated any differently than of us,” he said.
There was no further Information On Tuesday from City Communications Manager Steve Henschel About the cost of the investigation, or Whsther other investigations.
“At this time we not providing any more information,” He Said.
The City also Can’t How On The Dec. 17 Letter feels to dennis because it is a private communication, Henschel Said.
There are no plans to release the workplace investigation report, in order to protect complaints’ identities, Bradley Said.
“There are Valid Reasons for Protecting the Complaints,” He Said.
Bradley Said He’s Focused On Continuing The City’s Business.
“We Keep on Doing Our Jobs That We’re Elected To Do, and we Keep the Community Moving Forward,” He Said.