BILBAO BASKETBALL | The entire Bilbao Basket is free at the end of the season

BILBAO BASKETBALL The entire Bilbao Basket is free at

It is not usually very common but Bilbao Basket does not understand clichés or routine life. The current squad, including coach Mumbrú, ends his contract at the end of the season and a project will have to be built from unknowns. A lot of homework for the sports director, Rafa Pueyo. There is interest in the continuity of the coach, and several players, such as Reyes, Hakanson, Masiulis and Luz, because it will be difficult with others who have risen a lot, such as Ingis and Delgado. Rousselle himself every day offers more arguments to stay in the Biscayan capital. The coach does not want to divert attention, because there are possibilities of entering the playoff and he wants to exhaust them.

“The entire squad is free for the future. The reality is that the players do not have a contract and neither do I, it does not usually happen during the seasons, because you always have someone who is on horseback from one to the other. It’s a matter of competing in each game and finishing as well as possible, the end is just around the corner and we’re going to see how far we can go and when it’s over, it will be time to start with the issue of dispatches,” says the coach Barcelona.

It is difficult to think of another tenant other than him on the Miribilla bench, although the withdrawal of the shirt against Madrid seemed to carry an implicit farewell message. “We have to sit down to talk, to see everything and what team we are capable of, how competitive we are… They are things that are not good or talk about them, because when you are in the middle of the season, in the final stretch, these things make you lose attention on what is important, which is to finish well. You have to finish the season first and then start talking.”

He has been coach of Bilbao Basket for four years and the unknowns persist. The summary of this course is very positive. “The good streak of seven wins in a row equaled the bad start, with five consecutive losses, the equipment takes time to work, it is not a matter of one day to the next, . It took us a little longer than normal to start working, until we understood it and in the end we found the key to do it well and now let’s see if we are capable of making a good end of the League”.

Since relegation, even as a player, so far many have happened. stuff. “When the three games are over we will see how we are able to finish this season, how far we are able to go. The position you are in is the one you deserve. The most complicated of these years as a coach, although it may not seem like it, was the first, to be promoted. It seems easy, but it’s not like that and last year, it wasn’t either, it was marked by the barrage of injuries we had, almost all of them at the same time, which disrupted the improvement of the team during the year. It was tough until the end. In the other two we have not suffered, which is what we are called upon by the budget, that is also sometimes appreciated”.
