The “Getting After It,” Greg Pierzchala Memorial Ride is being held April 15 in Dunnville.
“The term ‘Get After It,’ is something that Greg lived by and would say to encourage others,” Adam Belanger, captain of the OPP Cycling Team, said. “He was dedicated to physical fitness and mental strength, and being the best that you can be, both as a police officer and a person.
“He would encourage others to pursue this as well.”
The ride in support of the Ontario Provincial Police Youth Foundation is being organized by the OPP and the Pierzchala family. It will start and finish in Dunnville and cyclists will travel alongside Lake Erie.
The event includes 20, 40 and 80-kilometre routes with registration slated for 9:30 am followed by an opening ceremony at 10:30 am
The 80-km riders will begin their route at 11 am from the Dunnville Farmers’ Market. They will be sent off by the Ontario Provincial Police Commissioners’ Own Pipes and Drums.
The 40-km route riders start at the farmers’ market at noon while the 20-km riders will start at the Disciples Conference Grounds, 1899 Lakeshore Road, also at noon hour.
All of the rides end at the farmers’ market and are open to members of the policing community and members of the public.
To learn more about the ride visit
Pierzchala, a Haldimand County OPP officer, was shot while responding to a call for a vehicle in a ditch west of Hagersville on Dec. 27. He later died in hospital. He was 28.
Police have said Pierzchala was ambushed and had no chance to defend himself
Two people, Randall McKenzie, 25, of Six Nations of the Grand River, and Brandi Crystal Lyn Stewart-Sperry, 30, of Hamilton, have been charged with first-degree murder in Pierzchala’s death.
McKenzie was out on bail at the time of the shooting for allegedly assaulting three people including a peace officer and for related weapons offenses including carrying a handgun with a deface serial number.
There was a bench warrant out for his arrest for failing to appear for a short date at the time Pierzchala was killed.
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