Big water leak in Västervik – Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet


  • Large water leak in Västervik

    A large water leak has occurred in central Västervik during Tuesday morning, reports P4 Kalmar.

    According to the radio, the water from the park flows down towards the harbour, on Brunnsgatan/Båtmansgatan.

    Rescue services are on site to take care of the bodies of water.


  • Subsurface ocean discovered on Mars

    Beneath the surface of Mars, there may be a water reservoir – as big as an ocean, according to a new study from the US space agency Nasa.

    The water on the Red Planet is believed to be buried 11.5 to 20 kilometers into the planet’s crust. However, the result does not indicate that the water contains any life.

    “Rather, our results show that there are environments that could be habitable,” writes research leader Vashan Wright at the University of California San Diego to the AP.

  • Tomb finds in Egypt – from the last dynasty

    In 63 clay tombs in the Tell al-Dier necropolis, gold pieces, bronze coins and amulets were found on July 25 this year. Photo: Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities via AP/TT

    A collection of artifacts from Egypt’s last dynasty has been found in 63 tombs at the Tell al-Dier necropolis in the Nile Delta, Egyptian authorities have announced.

    The objects found include pieces of gold and jewelry from the late Ptolemaic period, according to Antiquities Authority spokesperson Neveine el-Arif.

    Statues, amulets and a ceramic vessel containing 38 bronze coins dating from the Ptolemaic period were also found in the burial area.

    The Ptolemaic dynasty was Egypt’s last before the area became part of the Roman Empire. The dynasty was founded in 305 BC.

  • Technical problems for Musk and Trump

    Elon Musk will interview Donald Trump live on his platform X now during the night.

    But there are technical problems which mean that many cannot log in to the call which was supposed to start at 02:00 Swedish time.

    “We try in every possible way to get into the broadcast – on mobile, on desktop, in the app, in the browser – and most of us reporters have a hard time making it work,” writes The New York Times, for example, in its live reporting.

    The newspaper quotes an employee at X who states that they are trying to solve the problems.

    According to Musk, it has been subjected to an overload attack, which created problems for the site.

    Also here at Aftonbladet, we received repeated error messages when we tried to follow the broadcast. At 02.30 it was possible to get in, but the interview had not then started.

  • FBI investigates Iranian election attack

    The FBI now states that it has opened an investigation into possible Iranian interference in the US presidential election.

    This weekend there was information that hackers connected to the Iranian regime sent phishing emails to employees of Donald Trump’s campaign staff.

    The Washington Post writes that also three employees in the former Biden campaign earlier this summer received similar emails.

    The FBI began the investigation into possible Iranian attempts to steal election secrets already in June, the newspaper writes.

  • Serious crime in Norrköping

    Photo: NIKLAS LUKS

    A large police operation is underway in central Norrköping.

    – At 22:26 we received an alarm about a serious crime and we have a larger operation in the area, says police spokesperson Mats Pettersson.

    One person was taken to hospital with unclear injuries. No one is arrested.

  • Five injured in knife attack at mosque in Turkey

    A masked man wearing a helmet and protective vest has stabbed at least five people outside a mosque in the city of Eskisehir in northwestern Turkey.

    The 18-year-old suspect posted a recording of the attack on the online platform X, before he was arrested by the police.

    “The attacker was dressed like a person in a game, with an ax at his waist, bulletproof vest and helmet, mask over his face,” writes the Eskisehir Durum news site.

    According to several Turkish media, the man also wore Nazi symbols.

  • Woman dead in Hudiksvall – the police suspect crime

    SOS Alarm contacted the police in Hudiksvall during the day after a woman suffered a cardiac arrest.

    – The ambulance staff suspected that there was something not right, so we went there and we have made the same assessment, says Magnus Jansson Klarin at the regional command center.

    He does not want to comment on the exact circumstances involved.

    Now a man, who previously had some kind of relationship with the woman, has been arrested and suspected of murder or manslaughter.

    – We have carried out a technical examination, initial questioning of the man and will carry out a forensic examination of the woman.

    Relatives are informed of the death.

  • E6 shut down – car on fire

    The E6 between Himle and Varberg is closed in the northbound direction.

    The emergency services are working with a fully developed car fire, reports P4 Halland.

    According to the Swedish Transport Administration, the fire must be extinguished and the car is awaiting towing. According to the forecast, it will affect traffic until 22.15.

    Hallandsposten writes that no one should have been injured.

  • Earthquake in Los Angeles

    An earthquake has occurred in Los Angeles in the United States, the city’s police sign X.

    – Be prepared for aftershocks, they write.

    According to AP, the earthquake should have a magnitude of 4.6. LA times writes that no injuries have been reported.

  • Woman is suspected after the fatal shooting in Borås

    Last week, a man was found shot to death in a residential area in Borås. After the shooting, which according to the prosecutor must be connected to the city’s gang environment, two men have been arrested.

    Now reporting BT that a woman is suspected of gross protection of a criminal. According to the newspaper, the woman must have a drug-related crime in her criminal record.

  • Klein’s first words about the closed preliminary investigation

    Eurovision artist Joost Klein breaks the silence.

    This after the announcement that the preliminary investigation against him has been dropped.

    “The last few months have been terrible,” he writes on Instagram.

    Read more here.

  • They opened the door – they were beaten

    Two masked men allegedly rang the doorbell of a man in Nyby in Uppsala and then assaulted him when he opened the door, the police write on their website.

    The resident is said to have been beaten by an object, and called the police himself after the incident.

    The police are now looking for the perpetrators. No one has yet been arrested or suspected of the assault.

  • Hamas: Hostage killed by prison guard

    An Israeli hostage has been killed by a guard, writes VG citing Reuters.

    In a statement, a spokesperson for the armed wing of Hamas wrote on Monday evening that an Israeli hostage had been killed by a prison guard. Two more female hostages are said to be seriously injured, the spokesperson said.

    It is supposed to be two separate incidents and that attempts are being made to save their lives.

    They also write that a committee has been formed to find out the details of the events.

  • US sends submarine to Middle East

    The US has sent a submarine, equipped with guided robots, to the Middle East. In addition, one orders an aircraft carrier that is already about to rush.

    This is due to the security situation in the region – the US believes that Iran or its proxies may attack Israel this week, reports AP.

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  • Do you know how many people got sick after swimming in the Seine in the Olympics?


    Hi Maja!

    Among those affected is Belgian triathlete Claire Michel, who has been hospitalized with an E.coli infection. The Swedish triathlete Tilda Månsson also fell ill after the swim, but she recovered quickly and was able to return to light training. There are several who have fallen ill during the championship, but the connection to the water quality has not been confirmed as far as I know.

    Read more here

  • Should Kamala and Biden even be allowed to participate in negotiations with Iran and Israel when they are about to leave the White House?

    Nils Jönsson

    Hi, the US election hasn’t been yet, it’s only November 5th. Until then, Joe Biden remains president and Kamala Harris vice president. Joe Biden has announced that he is not running for re-election, but whether Kamala Harris will leave the White House or not, we will not know until after the election.

  • How did the diving in Piteå go regarding Elliot and the fisherman who saw something unidentified down his sonar?


    Hello! Unfortunately, the diving did not result in anything, the police announced that nothing was found. You can read more about it here.

  • Hello! The assistance dog Essie has unfortunately still not been found, but has noted here in the chat that there is great interest and we will of course report as soon as we know anything more! Until then, those of you who missed it can read more about Essie here!

  • 🛎️!🛎️!! Hello!!

    Has there ever been such a long pause between answers here in the “column” before? Know that there is a lot going on in the world and that it is holiday time, but still?

    Miss you 💛


    Hi Kurre, yes it seems to have been a bit of an unplanned holiday break here, apologies for that! Nice to hear that you have missed us, we have missed you too ☀️

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