Big train strike getting closer – negotiations continue

The negotiations between unions and employers in the train industry are now entering the final stage.
If the parties fail to reach an agreement before 3 p.m., a nationwide train strike will break out in three stages.
Hundreds of thousands of travelers would be affected if 1,200 rail traffic employees go on strike.

The conflict is mainly about schedule issues and working hours, and if an agreement is not reached before three o’clock this afternoon, a three-stage strike will break out, where stage one means that the Öresund train, commuter train traffic in Stockholm and some SJ lines will be affected.

Train driver Kristoffer Palmquist has previously told Efter fem about what are the most important questions for the employees:

– The train companies have abused their right to change schedules. It is becoming increasingly difficult to reconcile work with family life. An early morning can become evening and evening can become night. It is far too difficult for us to plan our family lives, he says.

He believes that it is not increased wages that are the most important thing, but being able to plan one’s life. Instead of asking, only the employees’ schedules are changed, he believes.

– We are an industry in crisis that people are leaving more and more often. To change that, you have to change our conditions, he says
