Big tech, the “Faang” pollute more than Portugal and Greece

Big tech the Faang pollute more than Portugal and Greece

(Finance) – The five big American techs now known by the acronym “FAANG”Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix And Google – have consumed more energy in a year Portugal and Greece. A performance that is definitely not respectful for the environment. This is what emerges from the Esg Karma Metrix observatory, presented by in view of World Environment Day.

The energy consumed by the five big US companies to run data centers is equal to 49.7 million megawatt hours (MWh), higher of Portugal (48.4 million MWh) and Greece (46.2 million MWh) and almost like Romania (50 million MWh).

In just three yearsfrom 2018 to 2020, the energy consumption is almost tripled, going from 16.6 to 49.7 million MWh. In the same period, the five companies issued 98.7 million tons of CO2with an increase of 17%, surpassing the emissions of the Czech Republic (92.1) 2020.

The most virtuous, however, are Apple and Google which in these three years have given positive signs of CO2 reduction thanks to the greater use of energy sources renewable and actively looking for energy efficiency in their data centers. ”The report, in fact, cites the Global Carbon Project according to which, if the Internet were a nation, it would be the fourth most polluting in the world.

(Photo: Viktor Hanacek)
