Big rescue effort after missing woman

The woman, who is in her 80s, was in close contact with the police for a long time after she fell and injured herself, but since a few hours ago the woman’s phone has died. Several patrols are in the area to try to locate her.

— The woman went out picking mushrooms at lunchtime and we were contacted at 8.54pm so I don’t know when she got lost and fell, but we have been in contact with her and we know she is lying down and can’t get up, but since a few hours, the phone hasn’t worked, says Daniel Wikdahl, press spokesperson at the Stockholm police.

Despite several attempts to locate the woman with, among other things, repeated tracking attempts of the phone, the police at 04:00 had not succeeded in finding her either with a thermal imaging camera or tracking dogs.

“There is a large search party looking, but the weather is difficult with rain and clouds and quite dark and it is unclear where exactly she is,” says Daniel Wikdahl.

Relatives and a number of patrols are involved during the night in a stampede and the police have contacted SAR Sweden for help in the search.
