Big problems at Swedbank – money is withdrawn several times

Big problems at Swedbank money is withdrawn several times

During Friday, a technical error was discovered at Swedbank, which The evening paper was the first to report. Where several of the bank’s customers have had their monthly savings withdrawn more than once.

– We have identified the source of this issue and are working to resolve it by ensuring that all affected customers get the money back into their accounts as soon as possible. Our forecast is that it will be resolved during the weekend, says Hannes Mårdpress officer at Swedbank, to News24.


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Swedbank office. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TTV What should customers do?

The bank does not want to say how many customers are affected.

Mård says that the affected customers do not need to take any action of their own and the money will be returned to the account.

– If you want, you can, under certain circumstances, also bring back the wrongly moved money from your fund account and ISK account yourself. If you want help with how to do it and are affected, you can contact our customer service.

He adds:

– We of course apologize very much for this.


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