Big panic in Kiev! ‘Attack tomorrow’ claim… They left in a hurry

Big panic in Kiev Attack tomorrow claim They left in

Russian forces are now very close to Kiev, which is of critical importance in the occupation of Ukraine. Press workers started to leave the city against a possible attack. Following the foreign press members working in Kiev, Turkish journalists announced that they left the city hastily.

CNN Türk correspondent Mücahit Topçu is among the members of the press who left Kiev. While noting that all the teams left Kiev, Topçu said that their second address would be Lviv.

“We took this decision in order not to face a possible provocation,” said Topçu, adding, “We can state that in an undesirable negative situation, a problem may arise at this point,” said Topçu.

On the other hand, another journalist working in Kiev, Haber Global correspondent Murat Karataş, stated that they left the region with the following words:

“Sources in the field informed the journalists and when we came to the conclusion that we could not broadcast properly, we decided to leave Kiev.”


In the statement made from Ukraine during the daylight hours, it was stated that Russian troops were preparing to attack Kiev.

The following statements were recorded in the statement made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine:

“Missile attacks continue on cities, including Kyiv and Mariupol. Russian bombardment hinders the evacuation of civilians and the delivery of humanitarian aid.”


In a statement made by the Ukrainian General Staff, it was warned that Russia “gathered all its resources” to launch an attack on Kiev.
