Big mistakes many make when eating micropopcorn

Big mistakes many make when eating micropopcorn

Sweden is at the top of the top list of countries in Europe that eat the most popcorn. About 10-12 liters per person per year we crunch.

On the chips front, it looks a little different as we are in ninth place over chip -loving countries in Europe. We are being hit by both Denmark and Norway, both of which are at much higher investments.

But when it comes to going to the cinema or watching a movie at home – then the Swedish people clearly prefer popcorn.

We all know that today it is possible to arrange popcorn in a variety of ways. You can buy pre -popped popcorn at the store, you can pop them yourself in a saucepan and you can buy so -called micropopcorn. Once the popcorn is completed, there are also a variety of ways to taste.

Some sprays browned butter on, buy spice mixes to sprinkle, while others make them sweet with the help of caramel sauce or other garnish.

Whatever you prefer, there is one thing that all popcorn lovers can use out there.

A common way to fix their popcorn is to pop them in the microwave. Depending on how “good strength” it is on your microwave oven, it can be difficult to know exactly when the popcorn is ready – regardless of the same use reference on all packages.

If they are too short in the microwave, there will be extremely many cores left and thus less popcorn – and if you have it for too long in the microwave, it will be burned.

However, if you manage to get to the one you hope for – with a small bunch of kernels that ripple around the bag, there is, however, a smooth way to get them out – without having to pee them out per hand or in the worst case chew a tooth on them.

The small opening/gap that will be at the far end of the bag that you stretch out and then pour out the popcorn out – you can initially leave it off. Then turn the bag with the gap down and then shake the bag.

Since the popcorn is too big to go out of the bag, they remain – but the kernels on the other hand – they roll out.

It all was shared by the Tiktok account Dilara.
