Big hit on the Kremlin! 1 million emails leaked

Big hit on the Kremlin 1 million emails leaked

Anonymous, the hacker community that declared in February that it was “officially at war with the Russian government”, seized almost 1 million emails in what is estimated to be the largest cyberattack. The leaked emails were allegedly taken from Russia’s largest state media network, which was accused of making propaganda throughout the war.

Anonymous has publicly announced that it has seized hundreds of thousands of e-mails from the All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK), which operates 5 TV stations in Russia. The community has not yet shared clear information about the content of the emails.


Anonymous used an advanced cyberattack technique known as ‘distributed denial of service’ (DDoS). This technique also ensures that no one can access the site.

“#DDoSecrets VGTRK (All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company) has received data and will release it in the near future,” DDoSecrets Co-Founder Emma Best announced on social media.

One of the channels in question is said to reach almost 100% of the Russian population. The channel has been accused of repeatedly spreading false information about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


The same hacker community also attacked the Russian company that took over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant last month and destroyed its website. The community, which also took over a Russian TV channel, broadcast censored images from Ukraine to millions of Russians. They also targeted websites of the Russian government, the Kremlin, and the Russian Ministry of Defense.
