“big discomfort” in Macronie after Attal’s intrusion, Hayer gets annoyed

big discomfort in Macronie after Attals intrusion Hayer gets annoyed

08:47 – “We did to Valérie Hayer what LR did to Valérie Pécresse”

“I have the impression that we did to Valérie Hayer what LR did to Valérie Pécresse: not let her be a full-fledged candidate. It’s not good”, deplores a deputy from the presidential majority. An allusion to the presidential campaign of Valérie Pécresse in 2022, which had failed at 4.8% in the first round. The same deputy sees “some macho reflexes” in the intrusion of Gabriel Attal and in the overall erasure of Valérie Hayer from this European campaign.

08:43 – “Real bullshit” from Gabriel Attal

The subject was quickly evacuated during the weekly meeting of executives of the Macronist campaign, which took place last night in the presence of Gabriel Attal, reports Politico. But behind the scenes, some tongues have been loosened: a campaign executive denounces “real stupidity” on the part of the Prime Minister, an episode which “totally crushes Hayer” and “does nothing”.

08:38 – Attal’s irruption creates “great discomfort at campaign headquarters”

If the opponents of the Macronists were the first to react publicly to the episode, it did not leave the presidential camp unmoved. The interruption of Valérie Hayer by Gabriel Attal at the Maison de la radio even created “a lot of unease at campaign headquarters”, reports a Macronist strategist at Politico. Even if she looked good in public, Valérie Hayer “was really not happy”, assures the same. A feeling shared by several of his running mates, as accusations of machismo rained down on the Prime Minister.

08:29 – Welcome to our live stream of the 2024 European elections

A new day of campaigning begins for the candidates of the 38 lists in the European elections. The news is marked by the irruption of Gabriel Attal in the middle of an interview with his head of list, Valérie Hayer, yesterday morning at the Maison de la radio. A sequence that continues to provoke reactions.
